His Shirt

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Zoe's Pov
how do I take a shower and go to my closet and pull open the dresser drawer to find one of pins dark green shirts it was one of the ones he left behind when he went to Holloway I never got the chance to give it back to him but now I think I will just keep it for myself. I throw on the green hoodie and a pair of denim shorts before heading down the stairs where I am greeted by Grampa in the kitchen

Grampa > Zoe how's pin doing

> He will be fine although he's a little mad about staying in the hospital for a few weeks but i talked to him and he knows it's for the best.

Grampa > well I'm glad to hear that your boyfriends OK

I blushed at the thought of him calling him my boyfriend before smiling lightly.

i walk towards the door before i'm stopped by grampa speaking to me.

Grampa > you are responsible girl and I trust you but a little word of advice when your mom comes home to visit it might not be the smartest idea to wear that shirt around her.

i only laugh before going over and giving him a hug

> Thanks for the advice grampa

with that I said on over to bright fields to see Elvis and Raven inside ravens stall.

I go over and pet raven before approaching Elvis

> It's alright , He's gonna be okay boy.
I say soothingly to Elvis as i pet him.

I head on into the Tack room to find Jade Becky and gabby gathered around Jades lap top

> Hey guys

Becky > Zoe you're never going to believe what we are looking at. Becky says as she looks up from the laptop at me

I make my way over to the couch to see the article that is pulled up on Jade's computer

" Heroic Duke saves fellow peer from a WW II Bomb"

> Oh my god
i can't help but laugh
> Pins going to love this
i say sarcastically

Gabby > How is he doing

> He's fine i came home to shower but he's fine Marcus is sitting with him til i get back

Jade >that's good

Becky> Does he look bad

> Not too bad
i say with a smile him and those cheekbones could never look bad at all.

> I better be heading back i will see y'all soon

Becky > We will walk you to the gate.

After we leave the office i'm stopped by Mia and oh how i'm not in the mood for a training lecture.

Mia > Where are you going ?

> I'm going back to see pin

Mia fidgets with a charm bracelet that is upon her wrist, as she looks down her feet.

> Mia what is it

Mia > i guess i should spare you the trouble your going through a lot but well Marcus left his phone here

> and???

Mia > Pin texted him and asked him to help him get home

> Oh God.

I start running in the direction of pins house which is less than a 10 minute walk

Mia> hey let me come with you

> sure come on

As i make my way down the drive way towards the pins house.

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