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It had been five days, eight hours, forty seven minutes and two seconds that Dara had been absent from her work at the Kwon's estate and Jiyong was beyond bored this time. So bored that he found himself dialing Dara's number this time.

Whether Jiyong would admit it or not, he missed her. Damn.

"Hi, this is Dara. Who's this please?"


She didn't even have his number to start with.

"U-uhm, i-it's me." Jiyong grimaced at how he was stuttering like a little boy now.

"Omo. Omo!" Dara actually squealed in the other line. "Jiyong?!"

"Yeah..."he smiled awkwardly while scratching his cheek.

"Oh baby, I miss you so so much." Dara said in dramatic voice while giggling from the other line.

"Yeah, me too."

She gasped from the other line, "You too?"

"I-I mean, I'm bored." he corrected.

Dara just chuckled from the other line and was about to say something when she was being distracted by a kid's voice.
Both Jadoo and Eunsung looked over the mistress put in charge to take care of them when she was giggling on the phone. Then she addressed the caller with an endearment this time before smiling widely.

Conversing in Japanese...
"Onichan...(or big sister)," Jadoo called out which made Dara glanced to them.

" Yes, baby?" Dara raised her brows to Jadoo.

"Are you talking to your boyfriend?" Jadoo asked in teasing tone.

Dara just shook her head to them and asked them if they had finished their assignments.

"We're almost done with it." Eunsung was the one to answer.

"Tell me if you need anything, alright?"

"Yes, onichan." Eunsung and Jadoo chorused while they resumed on doing their assignments in the floor. Dara smiled on how cute these kids were.

"So cute." she said before realizing that Jiyong was still on the phone. "Babe? Still there?" she asked in rather low voice.

Jiyong chuckled from the other line before answering, " Yeah...I didn't know you can speak fluent Japanese."

Dara stiffened at that. She didn't notice she talked to the kids in Japanese. "I...took lesson?" she answered.

"Amazing." he complimented and Dara couldn't helped herself but bit her lower lip. She inconspicuously left the kids by themselves and went to the kitchen to prepare for their milk before they go to bed.

"You're sounding so sexy on phone, baby." she teased.


"Hmm. I can even eat you right now."

"That sounds so wrong." he countered. "Stop your dirty jokes with the kids around."

"Oh, I'm in the kitchen preparing for their milk by the way." she said while setting up the phone in Bluetooth to her wireless earphone. "How are you by the way?"

"Same old."

"Did you get to your therapy?"

"I did. No response still."

"It's okay. It's too early for that." she said.

"You think so?"

"Hmm." Dara agreed while preparing two glasses of milk for the kids. "How's Gaho?"

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