chapter 27

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Later at night, Seha and Soyeon visited their son on the rest house and had dinner with them. Seha then told Dara and Jiyong about the two attackers who were being investigated right now after they were rushed into the hospital.

Initial investigation pointed out to the upcoming board of directors meeting with regards to declaration for the next successor of the Imperium. There was too much arguments within the boards most especially that Soyeon Kwon had insisted to have name Jiyong Kwon as the next chairman of the Kwon Imperium. A lots actually barricaded that decision since the heir was now handicapped and mentally unstable since it was leaked to them that Jiyong had signed for a Euthanasia last month.

"Just give what they want mom." Jiyong remarked silently while looking down to his food.

"Dear, I've worked hard for the company. I can't just hand it to those group of crocodiles." Soyeon said most especially that particular person name Robert Lee, the vice chairman of the Kwon Imperium. Even if she wont say it, she hated the Lee family after she discovered Robert Lee's son, Spencer Lee had betrayed Jiyong and took her son's girlfriend.

"Then who would managed the company after you resigned mom?" Jiyong asked to which Seha and Soyeon looked at him confusion.

"You. What do you mean by who?" Soyeon asked while Seha have the gist where will this conversation was heading.

Jiyong placed his silvers down the floor and heaved a deep sigh. Dara didn't even like his demeanor right now but she waited still although she felt her throat dried up instantly.

"I've had discussion with my doctors." Jiyong started. "I asked for any slight percentage that I'll get better but there wasn't. I lost my sense of taste and sense of pain. The next thing, I will lose my sight." he said in much frustration on his voice while refusing to look at Dara's direction this time.

Dara weakly leaned over her chair this time, looking at the white wall across the room. She felt betrayed. She thought he'd given up on Euthanasia. He's so selfish. Jiyong is so selfish. Her eyes turned towards Soyeon knowing what will her son would say next that the chairwoman cried in the dinner table.

"There's no other way, mom." Jiyong said with a frown. " I don't wanna be a living corpse."

That was it. The last straw on Dara's patience as she slammed the table hard this time and turned to Jiyong who faced her this time.

"You're so selfish." Dara spatted in a most hateful voice before she smiled mockingly. 

"Dara please let's talk later...'

"You're so fucking selfish!" Dara finally screamed before she stood up from the table without asking permission to leave there. Soyeon's cries resonated the whole dining area while Seha only kept his silence while eyeing Jiyong this time who only curled his fists hard while regarding Dara who climbed up the stairs to her room.

Lavina and Divina didn't know where to put their sympathy this time. Since even when Soyeon or Dara were upset over Jiyong's words, they can also sense the young master's struggle to bottle up his emotion.  They could only just stand in the corner in waiting for the Kwon family to finish their dinner which started off light a moment ago until the news broke out.

In Dara's room, she indeed pushed herself in the bathroom and curled in the tub in there. She sobbed in there endlessly while thinking how can she survive if Jiyong will push through with his decision. She blamed him for being selfish. He was selfish to ask her to stay when he had no plan to do so. Even if the road gets rough, he should have persevered. He had so many people who will support him. But no, he was so coward not to see through the end of the tunnel. 

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