2 - Soft Hours and Lazy Morning

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"Come and see, you and meMake a little sign"

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"Come and see, you and me
Make a little sign"


Michael slammed his tired body on the couch.

If there's one thing that he doesn't want to do at night? It is to clean his apartment. He was not home for the past five days because he visited his mother who is bugging him everyday to visit her until he gives in. That explained his cleaning duties tonight because he couldn't stand the invisible dusts that were irritating his nostrils. 

Tomorrow cannot wait anymore.

Those five days were really a gift from the universe because he doesn't know that he really needs that vacation not until he filed for a vacation leave and spent his time with his family who lives towns away from him.

He just relaxed his body and he let his feet stomped on the floor as Bobby Brown's My Prerogative is blasting in his living room. Even though he wanted to turn the music in full blast, he doesn't want to bother his neighbors. 

Michael can't still believe that the apartment space on the other side of his wall is now occupied. According to Frank, the older man who lives in the same building as him, a female pre-school teacher moved in last week. 

This is what he gets from staying in the building's lobby when he is bored or if he just wants to stay downstairs to chat with random people.

He got notified by the owner about the news too but he was not in the area for the past five days. He just got home last night and he already returned to work earlier.

He is not complaining though. Dancing is his passion and nothing can bring joy to his heart except from teaching spectacular beats and out of this world dancing. 

Especially to kids. 

Michael is the only one in the dance studio who has more than enough patience to conduct dancing lessons to kids. He got this special connection to them and every dance lesson is worthy of his time.

Every dismissal, there is a satisfied and priceless smile on his face. Sharing his passion for dancing and music is an opportunity of a lifetime. His dance lessons are not limited to kids only. He is handling different classes for varying ages  too.

Sometimes, he has multiple bookings to choreograph a dance routine. He is also working for some big time celebrities both as a choreographer and dancer. From music videos to live concerts? He got that. He is really good at his job.

He got his own name. And he is pretty in demand.

Michael's mind is actually blank right now. His eyes are closed and he is just feeling the music that is beaming into his ears. Suddenly, there is a lot of dance movements and body rhythms that are clouding his mind but he just chose to ignore all of that. 

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