3 - Boy and Girl Meet

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"I met a girl crazy for meMet a boy cute as can be"

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"I met a girl crazy for me
Met a boy cute as can be"


"You're ruining my life, Clem."

Simone stood in front of Clem who is sitting on the couch in the living room. With her hand on her hips, Simone gave her best friend an intimidating stare but Clem is not showing any kinds of fear.

"I'm not ruining your life, Simone." Clem backfired to Simone's accusations with a chuckle. "I came here to have a sleepover."

Simone continued to dry her wet hair with a towel and rolled her eyes.

Because of boredom, Clem decided to spend her rest days at Simone's apartment. She arrived last night without informing Simone first. Clem brought an incredible amount of snacks and booze too so Simone can't do something but to accept her with open arms.

They didn't get drunk anyway. They just spent the whole night with a bottle or two while talking about everything under the sun. Spontaneous conversation is one of the best things in life and they are both thankful for having each other's back.

"Sleepovers are fun not until you realized that you have a grown-up job the next day and you have bloodshot eyes and zero sleep." Simone muttered.

Even with no sleep, Simone is not feeling tired at all. She has so much energy and it seemed like, she had all the sleep she could get instead of the other way around.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry." Clem teased and crossed her arms across her chest.

Simone is still standing while drying and combing her hair. With her black slacks and white loose blouse, she is ready to go to work except that her hair is still wet and she is not yet applying her light makeup.

"So..." Clem started again and Simone just stared at her. "No signs of Mr. Neighbor yet?" She chuckled to annoy her best friend ever more.

"We're not going to talk about him, Clem." Simone glared at her before giving her a smile.

"Why not?"

"'Cause there's nothing to talk about."

"That's why we're going to talk about him so there's something to talk about." Clem quipped.

"Mr. Neighbor is a living ghost. Can we just drop it?" Simone pleaded not to mention the guy anymore.

She never saw her neighbor again. They are practically sharing a wall together but there is no hint of his presence.

Not in the hallway. Not in the lobby.

She can just hear his singing voice but these past few days, he barely sings. If he sings, it's just a short verse or a chorus. Simone is just lucky enough to hear it. 

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