4 - Smooth Move and Sloppy Note

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"I see me with you and all the things you do
Keep turning round and round in my mind"

"... and when you held my hand
I knew that it was now or never"


The weekend passed like a blur.

Unfortunately for Michael and Simone, their paths didn't cross again even though they already met officially.

So close yet so far, they said.

Michael attended his friend's party so he was out the whole weekend. Simone was with Clem too last Saturday and she just stayed at home the next day. Michael returned to his apartment in an ungodly hour so there was no room for them to bump at each other.

Simone assumed that Michael is a very busy man. She chuckled to herself, thinking that it is quite unfair because Michael knew her job but she didn't know about Michael's nature of work. She couldn't think of something too that will fit his description.

He is not a criminal, is he? Or a drug dealer? 

Simone sighed at her ridiculous and crazy thinking.

There is a slight bitterness that is running through her veins upon thinking that maybe, he is not interested. He just came to introduce himself as a neighbor. 

She thought, maybe he has a girlfriend? Or maybe he is already married? But there is no ring in his finger to indicate that he already tied the knot.

A guy with that looks cannot be single.

Simone shook her head. Her thinking is really crossing the line. She made it clear to herself that she cannot see him that way. 

Not in a romantic way.

She just moved in and her focus should be on something else. Something more important. Something that will not give her heartaches.

For the last time, she shook her head again to push her thoughts away. She drank her coffee, hoping that it will wash the butterflies in her stomach. The core of her abdomen is giving her a hard time ever since she learned about Michael's existence.

There are only two options. Either it feels wrong or it feels right. 

There is nothing in between.

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