7 - Truth and Dreams

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"And though you don't believe that they do
They do come true
For did my dreams
Come true when I looked at you"




Simone groaned like a wild animal when Michael started grinding their sexes. It is so rough that even their underwears are still on, she could feel his massive erection brushing her drenched core. 

Another moan is heard from her again when he kissed her jawline down to her neck. Her hands roamed on his back, pulling him closer and closer to her.

"You like this, baby?" He murmured against her skin. 

He found her sweet spot which is an inch below the back of her ear, tracing down the artery of her neck.

"Michael..." She groaned helplessly. 

The cold shivers ran through her spine when he nibbled her earlobe. The shivers intensified the moment he bit and sucked her skin with his skillful mouth.

"We're just starting, bunny." He chuckled, his lips still touching her bare skin.

"Shut your mouth, Michael." She hissed at him playfully. In her mind, he is doing so good but he is wasting his time by talking.

"I want to tell you the same thing but I prefer to make you scream, honey." He smirked when he stopped kissing her just to meet her eyes.

"Stop calling me with random endearments. I'm not your whore, Michael." She backfired with a knowing smile on her face.

"What makes you think that I have a whore? Or had a whore? I'm not that kind of man, pumpkin." He said and his thumb brushed her lips. "I'm not that kind of man..."

"Are you a good guy?" Simone challenged as supported by her intense eyes. "Are you a good guy, huh, Michael?" She bit her bottom lip so he would stop from brushing it. 

Michael smiled at the gesture and she can feel her jumping heart. Her hands roamed on his shoulders and she shivered, appreciating how his muscles reacted to her touches.

"I can't speak for myself, Simone." His voice became low and deep again. 

Simone noticed that he called her by her name but deep in her thoughts, she preferred it more when he is calling her with random endearments.

She thought about it for a moment. 

Maybe, that is her new kink.

But it depends on the partner.

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