6. Time to leave this place

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Amber's P.O.V.:

"Amber, take this file and prepare a list of our clients who have sent complaints regarding our products. I need to prepare the final report to present in the meeting this Friday," Lucas instructed as he handed me a blue file.

"Of course, Lucas," I replied and began working on the file. All the departments in the company were working diligently to prepare their performance reports for the upcoming monthly meeting scheduled for Friday. Lucas had emphasized the CEO's strict nature and aversion to errors.

After about half an hour, I returned to Lucas's office, where he was engrossed in his laptop.

"Lucas, here's the list you requested," I informed him, handing over the document.

"Thank you, Amber," he replied without diverting his attention from his laptop screen. His professionalism was evident in his dedication to his work, which had led to his promotion to department head at a young age.

I had wanted to inquire about the name of our CEO, but since he appeared to be occupied, I decided not to interrupt him and exited his office.

It was already our lunch break, so Adelaide and I decided to head to the cafeteria for lunch.While we were enjoying our meal, I received a call from Lucas, requesting my immediate assistance. I hastily finished my lunch and proceeded to his office.

"Lucas, did you need something?" I inquired upon entering his office.

"Yes, Amber, I'm swamped with work right now. Please take this file to our CEO. He's requested it urgently," he explained, handing me a green file.

"Me? I mean, how can I deliver this file to the CEO? Didn't you mention that he doesn't meet with employees except during the monthly meeting?" I asked, puzzled.

"Yes, but it's really urgent, and he asked me to take the file to him. Since I am really caught up right now, we can make an exception. Now go before he gives me a second call. And his second call means 'you've been fired,'" Lucas explained, rolling his eyes.

I chuckled and accepted the file from him.

"Oh, by the way, take the private elevator. His office is on the 39th floor," Lucas added.I nodded and headed toward the private elevator. As Lucas had mentioned, this elevator was reserved for the CEO and select employees authorized to visit this floor. I pressed the button for the 39th floor and waited as the elevator ascended.

When I arrived on the 39th floor, I stepped out and immediately noticed the stark difference in decor compared to the lower floors. This floor had an elegant and sleek design, with predominantly black, white, and gray tones.

Approaching the receptionist, who appeared to be the only person on this floor, I introduced myself briefly.

"Good afternoon, I'm Amber Milburn from the PR department. I am Mr. Lucas Anderson's assistant," I said.

The receptionist greeted me politely and inquired, "How may I help you?"

"Mr. Anderson sent these files for Mr. ..." Wait, what was our CEO's name?

The receptionist looked at me, puzzled, and then offered a suggestion, "For Mr. Collins?"

How could I forget his first name but remember his surname? I inwardly chastised myself for the lapse and managed an awkward smile.

"Yes, for Mr. Collins," I replied.

"Okay, give the file to me. I will pass it on to him. He's currently out on urgent business, but I'll make sure he receives it upon his return," he assured me.

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