24. New Beginning

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Amber's P.O.V.:

It is the morning of the next day. Chris is siting beside me. We are heading back to London and  we will be landing soon. I am a little tired and in a need of sleep because I didn't get enough sleep last night and my body is sore. 

No, we didn't make love.

As I was resting my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, whatever Maria told me yesterday started playing in my mind.

Maria explained me about Chris' mother and how she cheated on Chris' father. It broke his father's heart and he was totally devastated. This ruined their family's reputation and his grandfather felt very humiliated due to which he was always tensed  and he suffered from a heart attack. Chris was very little when he saw all these things happen and his once a happy family got ruined by his mother's hand. 

Maria said she could hear Chris crying every night in his room for almost a year after his mother decided to abandon her little son. Since then, he has hated his mother more than anything. He hates everything that reminds him of his mother.

That is why he said he hated snowfall because his mother used to love snowfall and would always take him out to play in the snow. His mother's betrayal made him lose his trust on everyone. Seeing his father suffer alone in his solitude, he lost faith in relationships and love. It really impacted him and his life. It made him aloof and a loner. He started pushing people away from his life and built a wall around him to not let anyone in.

"I have never seen young master this happy in ages, Ms. Milburn. Maybe he was unknowingly waiting for you." Maria said as she took my hand into hers and gave it a light squeeze. Her eyes were teary.

I looked at her and smiled. The old lady seemed to really love Chris and care about him. We talked for a little longer and then she excused herself to get some works done.

I waited for Chris to return to the mansion so that I could talk to him. I also, tried calling him 'n' number of times but his phone was switched off.

I should better leave him alone for sometime and give him space. I thought.

I wanted to take a walk outside and calm myself so I informed Maria that I was going out for a walk and headed out of the mansion towards the park nearby.


Third person's P.O.V.:

Chris returned to his mansion at around 8 pm. He knew that the way he behaved with Amber was not right. He wanted to apologize to her for being an ass and for dragging her into his hatred for his mother. That mansion instantly reminded him of his mother and his childhood memories of locking himself up in that dark room which just hyped his frustration, that he poured on Amber. He shouldn't have done this to her because ever since she has entered his life he has been the happiest he had ever been. He knows she would always be by her side with her smiling face and love him forever. 

He hurriedly went inside and started looking for Amber.

He searched her everywhere but couldn't find her.

Where is she?

He walked down the stairs hurriedly and went to look for Maria.

Where did everyone go?



he called out her name.

"Young master..." he heard Maria's voice. He turned around and found her standing in front of him with her head down.

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