22. Mr. Jealous Uncle

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Amber's P.O.V.: 

"Don't play with your fingers baby. Crawl to me, Alex....crawl to me." I said trying to encourage Alex to crawl towards me. 

"Alex, I have your milk bottle. I know you're hungry. Crawl to me, Alex!" I said trying my best to lure him to crawl and come to the finish line. 

It's hard to deal with toddlers.

"Amber, that's not going to work." Chris said from the other side of the track looking not really interested. 

"Chris, stop discouraging me. We will win this race." I said without averting my eyes from Alex who was crawling slowly but wait what? Okay so now Alex is not in the mood of crawling at all. He just sat there and is looking back at Chris.

Looking back? No please don't decide to crawl back.

Oh thank God he changed his mind!

"Yes, Alex, yes! You can do this." I said, as I crawled towards him with the milk bottle but didn't touch him because of the crawl racing rules.  

Alex giggled looking at me. 

I surely looked like a mad woman doing that but right now that is not the priority. 

I crawled backwards and Alex followed me and crawled towards me. 

"Just two more crawls, Alex. Just two more."

"And the winner of the crawl race is...Alex Clarke!" the host of the race announced.

The host came and put on a small medal around Alex's neck and gave him a small trophy. 

I carried Alex in my arms and kissed on his cheeks.

"Yay! We won!" I was doing my happy dance with Alex in my arms and Chris was giving me a weird look with the trophy in his hands. I ignored his weird look and continued my victory dance. 

"Amber, Alex just won a crawling race. Not an Olympic marathon." He said as if this was nothing to celebrate.

"Crawling needs a lot of hardwork, Boss." I said rolling my eyes. 

"Hardwork? Really? The racing track wasn't even 4 meters long." he stated as if I didn't know that already.

"You're just jealous of Alex, Chris." 

"Right, Alex? Uncle Chris is just being jealous of you." I said to Alex which I know he didn't understand. He was happily drinking his milk. 

Chris rolled his eyes and walked towards us with the small trophy in his hand. 

"Now, if your little victory dance is over then shall we go back?" he asked, giving the trophy to me and taking Alex from my arms. 

Alex is Harper and Jeremy's son. Harper is Chris' cousin and Oliver's elder sister. Jeremy is her husband. So what happened is, this morning Chris and I went to meet her. 


"So, who is this cousin?" I asked, as we were in the car driving to his cousin's house.

"Harper. She's Oliver's elder sister."

"Oliver's elder sister? Yeah, I remember him mentioning her name once or twice. She got married to her long term boyfriend two years ago right?"

"Yes, she did. She's two years elder to me."

"Amber, there's a person in her house. I want you to stay away from him, okay?"


Is he being possessive already? 

"I will tell you when we'll reach there."

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