28. Heartbreaks

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Amber's P.O.V.:

"Chris, just tell me that everything that happened a few moment ago was just a prank. It wasn't anything serious. Please tell me that you didn't get engaged with that girl. Please Chris, I need to hear it from your mouth. I don't trust my eyes anymore. I trust you. Please tell me." I said almost in the begging tone as it was getting difficult for me to let anything sink in.

He kept quiet and didn't utter a word.

"Don't be silent, Chris. Your silence is killing me. Please say something." I said. The tears didn't seem to stop and flowed down my cheeks continuously.

His silence was telling me that everything that happened in the party was the reality and he had no problem with that.

"Chris...what has happened to you so suddenly? We were happy with each other, we had just started our relationship then why did you do this to me? Answer me for god sake, Chris." I cried, as I clutched on his tuxedo's collar.

Slowly he held my hands and then freed his collar from my clutch by jerking my hands away.

I looked at him in shock.

Why is he behaving like this?

I couldn't understand anything.

"Chris?" I looked at him with wide eyes.

"This is what you deserve. These fake tears are of no use so save them for some other occasion." He said as he smirked bitterly.

"What are you saying, Chris?" I asked as I slowly tried to process his words.

"I said what you heard, Ms. Milburn." he said bitterly.

Ms. Milburn?

Why is he suddenly calling me by my last name?

"I don't understand what you're saying." I said, frustrated.

"I don't think you're that dumb, Ms. Milburn. You are one of the cleverest women I have met so far." he said. Every word that he was saying was like a sword on my heart.

"Chris, can you please not talk to me like this? You're hurting my feelings." I said, as I looked at him with tear filled eyes.

"You're such a brilliant actress, Ms. Milburn. I must say, I am amazed." he said.

"Chris, I really don't understand what you're saying. Please tell me clearly...you're making me scared." I said, as I tried to hold his hand when he jerked away my hands rudely.

I looked at him in shock.

"Don't touch me with that filthy hands of yours. You disgust me." he said the words with so much of disgust in his voice. I was trying my hard not to cry. I knew something was not right. I wanted to know what had happened to him and me crying would have only ruined the situation.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him in confusion.

"What I mean? Fine, if you want to hear it from my mouth then listen to me say what kind of woman you are, Ms. Milburn." he said as he slid his hands inside his pockets.

"You are the kind of woman who run after rich guys to scrape as much money as they can from those guys. You belong to those who can do anything for money and they can't be loyal to a single man as they want everything in life. You're an opportunist." his words cut through my heart like a sharp sword.

I didn't seem to balance my body any longer and I held the railing of the balcony tightly to give support to my shaking body.

I tried to speak but no words seem to come out of my mouth.

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