14. Strictly Professional

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Amber's P.O.V.:

It's been two weeks that he's been acting like his old self. He has become more aloof and rude than he was before and honestly, I have learnt to live with it. Maybe that day he just had a mood swing like we girls have when we are PMSing.

But do men get mood swings?

Anyways, I have stopped trying to find out what has made him this way. I drew my own conclusion that maybe his grandma's condition has something to do with it. I even forgot about him asking me out. Well not exactly asking out, but putting it into his words, 'A boss taking out his employee for an outing'. I don't even know what does that suppose to mean. But, now I have decided to maintain a strictly professional relationship with him. I know I said the same thing the last time but this time I won't let my guards down. I will become tougher.

You can do this, Amber! Let's go!

I am in the taxi and and I am heading towards his mansion. Due to his grandmother's condition, he decided to work from home. So, he has been working from his mansion and me being his personal assistant, I am obliged to accompany him.

So, here I am standing in front of the huge wooden gate of his mansion to be opened by one of the house help. It has been this way for about two weeks now. At first it was uncomfortable and awkward working from his mansion but now I have become habituated to it. And the fact that during this period I have grown closer to his step mom, Hee Young has helped a lot in adjusting in this new environment.

She's a sweetheart. She is really kind and warm and treats me like a friend and a family. She never makes me feel like an outsider. It feels like she treats me as her best friend. She once told me that she is a very shy person and since she came from a middle class home, she could never really mingle with the high class females who always talked about jwelleries, designer clothes and stuffs. I remind her of her young days. We could really relate to each other. The only best thing that has happened since I have started working from his mansion is her. It really means a lot. It is really hard to find an extremely rich person who is so kind and down to earth. We hang out during my lunch breaks. Since, we are working from home, Chris has increased my lunch break from half an hour to an hour so that he could get enough time with his grandma. It gave me and his step mom the opportunity to sometimes go out to eat. I also got the chance to meet his dad, Mr. Stavros Collins. He is a gentleman and is really humble. He doesn't have any arrogance and anger issues or mood swings like his son. I also got the chance to learn few of the business tactics from him. I can totally see where did Chris get his fantastic business skills from. It's in his genes. 

Talking about his grandma, she is still on a bed rest so she rarely comes out of her bedroom. Though, I have visited her once or twice with his step-mom but that's that. She seems really weak and didn't speak much. But, fortunately, she is getting back to her healthy self. Within few days she will be able to walk and talk like old times. Ryan also comes often to check her. 

Also, I forgot to mention that Ryan asked Jade to be his cook. Jade didn't accept the offer at first because she didn't know him much but when I explained that he seems to be a good person and also she would need money to pay back her debt, she agreed. So, now she is Ryan's full time cook and stays in his apartment. She was hesitant in staying with him in his apartment but apparently his little sister will be staying with them because her high school is closer to his apartment. 

Finally, the door was opened and I entered into his insanely huge mansion. I was frightened as hell when for the first time I came here. It was really intimidating and I was afraid to touch anything because I was scared that I might break or ruin those insanely expensive looking things. I am still intimidated but like I said, I have grown habituated to all these things.

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