25. Jealous Boyfriends

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Amber's P.O.V.:

"Jade, can we meet today?" I asked Jade over the call as I walked out of the mansion. Hea and I sat down for almost about 3 hours and discussed our plans for the surprise birthday party. We have written down our plan roughly and have decided to commence our work for the party from tomorrow. It is Tuesday today and his birthday is on Friday so we have enough time to do arrangements for the party. Though Hea has hired an event management team for the arrangements but she wants me to lead them and take the full responsibility. She wants to make his birthday the most special one and so do I.

"Yeah, I am free. Let's meet at the Hilton's. We have a lot to catch up on." She said the last part more like in a teasing tone and I guessed that Ryan had already told her about Chris and I. I blushed and bid goodbye.

I started the engine of my car and drove towards the Hilton's to meet Jade.


"I am so happy for you, Amber. Finally, you and Chris are together." Jade said as she hugged me.

We both took our seats and ordered coffee for ourselves.

"Thanks a lot, Jade! It seems Ryan can't keep things from you." I teased. I could see her blushing over the mention of Ryan's name.

"So, tell me what's going on these days?" she asked, changing the topic.

"I can see what you're trying to do there, lady. Now tell me honestly, what do you feel for Ryan?" I asked, cutting straight to the point.

Sometimes, coming straight to the point without stretching the situation is better. I mean, it helped in our (Chris and Amber's" case.

I could see that she was caught off guard by my question.

"Why would you ask this question all of a sudden?" she asked.

"I just want to know if you have any feelings for Ryan or not. Ryan wants to ask you to be his girlfriend." I said, with a straight face.

She spit-took her coffee in surprise and looked up at my face to see if I was joking.

I passed napkins to her to wipe her mouth.

"Is he really?" she asked, in shock.

"Yes, he is. I don't know if you have noticed it or not but he has always liked you. It's so obvious from his face." I said, sipping on my coffee.

She didn't speak anything for awhile and just kept staring at her coffee.

"Jade, look...if you don't have feelings for him then you can tell me-" I was cut off by her.

"It's not like that." she said.

"Then?" I asked, looking at her.

"Umm...actually...I have never been in any relationship before and moreover, he and I are two different people. We have nothing in common, Amber." she said, with a sad face.

"These things don't matter, Jade. What matters is your feelings. Do you like him...romantically?" I asked.

She nodded her head shyly after a lot of hesitation.

Finally I took a sigh of relief.

"I am so happy for you, Jade." I said, as I hugged her.

We sat down and started talking about Chris and Ryan and all the other gossips when two men of our age came and stood in front of our table.

"Hello, I am Max and he is Jack. We have been noticing you both since a while from our table and we think that you both are really pretty." one of the two men said and smiled showing his cute dimples.

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