12.One hell of a night-II

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Amber's P.O.V.:

I wasn't expecting any reply from his side because I knew I wouldn't get any but to my surprise, he replied.

"To Ryan's place. You both are staying there tonight." he said, opening the door of the car.

I freed my hands from him and closed the door of the car and stood in front of him crossing my arms over my chest.

"I am not going to stay at a stranger's place for a whole night. I don't even know Ryan. We've just met." I said, looking at him. 

I was determined that I wasn't going to stay at a stranger's place. And what the hell is wrong with the night. It's getting weirder every passing second.

"You know me. I will stay with you." he said, crossing his arms over his chest. He was looking at me with a stoic face. 

"What?" I asked, shocked.

"In a different room, of course." he said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh!" I managed to say.

"So, you're coming now or should I carry you in my arms and throw you into the car?" He asked, getting slightly irritated.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked slowly.

"No!" he replied as he opened the car door again.

I looked at Jade who was standing at the same spot and Ryan was standing beside her.

She looked unsure whether to come with us or not.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her because I knew this was a very difficult situation for her.

She thought for a while and after a lot of hesitation she nodded her head slowly as she walked towards the car followed by Ryan.

Jade came and sat beside me at the back seat. Ryan took the passenger seat while Chris sat on the driver's seat and started the engine.

"By the way, why were they following you?" Ryan asked her.

"Actually, they were the men of my creditor. I had taken debt to open my bakery. I promised him that I would pay back his money in installments. But, one day he came and asked for his money all at once, in cash. I told that I cannot manage that much of cash but he was too stubborn to listen to anything." Jade said.

"Didn't you sign any papers before taking the money from that guy?" Ryan asked, raising his brows.

"I didn't, because he was willing to give me money at a very lower interest rate. I had no idea that he would come like this one day and ask his money back." she said, sadly.

"You shouldn't take money without signing any papers." Ryan said.

"Ms. Milburn, you seem to find people who are similar to you. You don't read contract papers before signing on them and your friend doesn't even ask for any papers to sign at all. " Chris, taunted.

He didn't had anything to speak except taunting me? I am sure that everytime he speaks, one smiley emoji dies. [Wadd'up superwoman reference]

I rolled my eyes.

"Really? " I heard Ryan asking me in amusement. Jade was looking at me in confusion and Chris was fuming as he clutched on the steering wheels tightly.

I turned to face Jade.

"Did I again?" I asked slowly.

Jade nodded her head slowly giving an awkward smile.

Can I please not be here at this moment. I thought as I closed my eyes in embarrassment.

"Jade, what will you do if they come to find you again?" I asked after a while, changing the topic.

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