Chapter 4: Katrina

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Right now I can't do much more than move my arms. As soon as Jack's parents walk in they see me, I just say hi and wave.

"Why hello there, and who may I ask are you?" Jack's mom asks.

"Hey Mom, this is Katrina, we're working on a project." Jack says calmly, still sitting.

"Oh, ok, well you two might want to leave the living room, we still have some furniture to set up."

"Actually, I have to get going, my parents will want me home soon." I say

"I'll walk you home." Jack tells me.

I try standing and so does he, helping each other in a trying-not-to-look-suspicious way. 

We leave the apartment and then I realize I have to get home like this. "So, how far away is your house exactly?" Jack asks me. "About a quarter mile away." I tell him. 

When we reach my house I can walk better and so can Jack. I hand him my phone number and tell him to call me when he's free so we can practice. 

Heading inside, I think to myself about today. I can't believe we did what we did, how did we do that? So many questions and yet no answers. I am grateful my mom isn't home yet, she would be pissed to know I wasn't where I was supposed to be. 

I finish my homework on my computer and start writing in my diary about today. Then my mom calls.

"Hey Katrina, I just called to tell you that I won't be home untill nine and your father won't be home 'till midnight, he has to work a night shift."

"Ok, that's fine." I reply

"Don't stay up too late, ok. Oh, I have a patient. Love you, I gotta go. Bye."


Sighing, I grab some popcorn and settle down on the couch. Ready to watch a movie when I remember, I left my bag at Jack's apartment. 

I think about what to do and settle on heading back to Jack's place and grabbing my bag. I throw my shoes back on and head out the door. 

Halfway there, I hear footsteps but when I turn around no one's there. I walk a bit faster and hear footsteps again, I turn around and no one's there. I'm relieved when Jack's place comes into view. 

I knock on the door and his dad opens the door. "Um hi," I say "I hope you don't mind but I left my bag here." He lets me in, "Of course, come in." I walk over and grab my bag. 

Jack walks in and I smile saying, "Just forgot my bag." He nods, "Ok, well good night." I walk out thanking his dad then I pull out my phone and text Jack asking him to come out. 

A minute later he pops outside, "Yeah?" He asks. "Something felt weird walking over, like someone was following me." He looks at me and says, "You want me to come with you?" 

I feel embarrassed asking someone to come walk me home because I'm probably being paranoid. "Do you mind?" "Naw, it's cool, my parents aren't very exciting anyways. I'll let them know." 

He heads back inside and returns a few seconds later. While we are walking back Jack stops, looking at me. "Did you hear that Katrina?" 

"I didn't hear anyth-" Suddenly, I stop short, because then I do hear something, footsteps, but when we turn around, it's not nothing I see like before. A figure is walking towards us, then it starts walking faster, then running towards us. 

"Uh, Jack I think we should probably run." He nods and we begin to sprint, rounding corners left and right. I look behind me and can clearly see the figure gaining speed. 

Then we make the mistake of rounding into an alleyway, a dead end. The person enters the alleyway after us. 

When they step into the light I realize it's a man, but then the man shifts into a woman. Then the woman shifts into two people, a man and a woman.

They duplicated, I think to myself. 

Jack pulls me closer to him. We're going to have to run somehow but how? They've blocked anyway for us to escape. 

Then the two lunge forward, grabbing Jack and I by the wrists. I yelp as the woman covers my mouth, looking over at Jack for help, but he can't either. 

As the duo begin dragging us away, Jack reaches out to me and I grab his hand in any way of keeping them from pulling us apart. 

Then something bursts. 

I look over at Jack, a burning sensation spreading across my body when I see something incredible. 

Jack is on fire... and so am I. 

The people drop us in pain, backing away as Jack and I stare at each other in awe. The two run away, obviously not wanting to be a part of, whatever this is. 

Then the fire disappears, gone just like that. I drop to the ground, somehow exhausted even though I didn't do anything. Jack sits next to me, and after a few minutes he speaks.

 "There's something I need to tell you."

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