Chapter 15: Jack

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When I open the door to the abandoned car shop, my eyes immediately start to scan the room. In the center of the room - sitting on an old tire - is Katrina.

"Hey." I greet, walking over to her and sitting on a wooden crate.

"Hey Jack." She gives me a small smile.

"So, what happened earlier? What did those people want with you?"

Katrina looks down at the floor, her hands folded tightly.

"The woman called herself Aubrey. She told me that I was valuable - that I was different than anyone on Earth. It seems that she has some sort of plan in place or something. Aubrey also has a partner. His name was Jackson and he was… different from Aubrey. He helped me escape. I ran home and was gonna text you when I realized I left my phone here. So I came back a bit ago and saw that she left a message on my phone." 

Katrina hands me her phone and I look down at the screen.

Call your little friend and meet us at the gas station on 86th Street tomorrow at five forty-five. Or else I'll find you and your Connector, and I'll eliminate you both.

I reread the message twice.

How does she know what Connectors are?

"Also, she said one more thing to me." I look up from the message and furrow my eyebrows. 

"What was it?" 

Katrina stares right at me as she speaks - her tone lower in volume than before.

"She told me that Jackson was her Connector." 

All the air leaves my lungs and my eyes go wide. The memory when I had just arrived to Earth and we were giving our farewells pops into my head again. 

The last time I saw my group and how that woman was there.

"Yeah, I uh, think I remember her, she was in my aircraft on our way to Earth. I remembered her a few weeks ago but didn't believe it, so I didn't say anything." 

She sighs, "Jack. You should have told me." 

I sigh and look over to her, "I'm sorry I just- I didn't want to believe it was one of my own people." 

My shoulders droop and then she makes me feel even worse. 

"Jack, I leave for Minnesota in five days. We can't keep any secrets from each other - not now. And we need to figure out how to deal with her so you won't be completely defenseless when I'm gone. I don't want her targeting you." 

I zone out after she says "five days" and I realize how fast this last week has gone by. 

She can't leave. 

I told myself that two weeks ago and now she's leaving in five days. Katrina nudges my shoulder but I don't move. 

"Jack? Jack, are you listening to me?" I jerk my head up and shake my head. 

"Sorry, I just zoned out. I… I don't want you to go. I wish there was something I could do." 

I hang my head, ashamed that I couldn't help her. Katrina's arms wrap around me, hugging me tightly. The sudden motion catches me off guard. 

"You tried to help. That's all that matters to me." 

I raise my head and look down to see her smiling. It's infectious and I end up smiling back, returning the hug. 

"I'm gonna miss you Katrina."

A long time ago I told her to stop saying those exact words to me. Now I'm saying them. 

It's almost like I'm giving in for the both of us. I feel as her shoulders release a bit of tension, causing mine to do the same.

The choice has been made for us.

We sit there for a few minutes, enjoying one of the last moments of each other's company. A few minutes later, I look at my watch and realize it's almost eight o'clock. 

"You gotta get home soon, it's getting late." 

Katrina pulls away and glances at her phone.

"Yeah, I probably should." 

I stand and help Katrina up, following her as she walks over to the front door and pulls it open. We walk to her house in a peaceful silence, though my brain is racing a million miles an hour. 

Aubrey… from Milwaukee? 

Katrina leaves in a few days. 

I don't want her to go. 

I don't want her to go. 

There's no way to stop it, she has to go... 

"Katrina I want you to meet me at the park in two days. I think I may have a plan."


The next day, I get a text from Katrina reminding me to meet her at our spot so we can walk over to 86th Street. 

I can't believe we're doing this. 

We are going to see and talk to people who want to kill us. 

We are obviously going to have to try and get rid of them but how? 

I pick up my phone and hit Katrina's contact, bringing the device to my ear as she picks up.

"Hey Jack."

"Hey Katrina. So, I just realized that we have absolutely no plan for when we have to fight Aubrey. I've been trying to think of something but can't come up with anything good. Do you have any ideas?

"I've been trying to think too and haven't come up with much. Except, I keep thinking about Aubrey's Connector and how he helped me. Maybe we can get him to change sides. Or at least to help us a bit." 

"Do you know how exactly?" 

"If we can convince him somehow to join us, he can use his ability to stop her. Since he can take away our abilities, Aubrey would be powerless. It would be easier to restrain her. Then we'll figure out what to do after, depending on the outcome."

"What would we do with her? We can't kill her or kidnap her. I don't think keeping a hostage is a good idea." I count off all the other ways we can't get rid of Aubrey.

"True." Katrina says. "But he can."

Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope you like this week's chapter. I just wanted to shout-out _Yellow_Mellow_ for your feedback and comments. They really make my day! I love you guys! 🧡🤓😎🧡

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