Chapter one: Prologue

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You were sitting on a chair in your room. The room wasn't all that big. There was a window in front of you and under there a desk, which you were sitting on.

A bed behind you against the wall, a bookshelf next to the bed and a wardrobe behind the door.

Your head fell onto the desk. Tired. You sighed and walked to your bed, laid down and closed your eyes. Soon you fell asleep.

!Trigger warning: ab//se!
"Mummy?" It hurt so much but you couldn't say anything. If you did, you would just get more bruises.

A woman covered in blood walked up to you, grabbed your hair and threw you against the wall. Your back hurt, another bruise would form soon after.

"Why can't you understand?!" The woman screamed at you, she was crying. Tears rolled down her cheeks, onto the floor.

Then the woman started laughing. She was insane. "I- I killed your father because..." She laughed even harder as she looked down on you.

Mummy? Killed... Father? That can't be. The scared look on your face was the thing she wanted to see. "W-why?" Tears started rolling down your cheeks as well. The sleeve of your jacket was used to wipe them away.

"Because I felt like it." The woman that called herself your mum answered. "I killed him because I wanted to. Now child, feel hurt, hate me!"

All you could feel was despair, pain and sadness. Why did it have to go this way. This woman was insane. "Y-you didn't.." You couldn't get the words out of your mouth. All you could think about was to avenge your father. You had to kill your own mum.

As fast as you possibly could, you ran to the kitchen. Your father was there as well, he was dead. A huge stab wound in his heart and a puddle of blood. The knife was still there. You took it and ran up to your mum.

She didn't notice anything because she was still laughing like a maniac. You looked at her and used your ability. "The Past and Then the Future." It seemed to work on her because she took the knife and soon killed herself.

Your mother had died by your own ability but by her hands. You soon fled the house and never returned there again.

Cold sweat covered you head. It was 8 a.m. in the morning and you had just woken up from your sleep. Those dreams were things you had to live with because of your ability.

You got dressed and walked downstairs, the fridge seemed pretty empty so you decided to go to the convenience store real quick.

Putting your shoes on, taking your bag, opening the door and you were gone. Ever since that day, you weren't able to show any emotions whatsoever.

The convenience store was already opened. You walked inside and looked around. Drinks, fruits, vegetables. All you needed was now in your bag.

After you were done buying everything you needed, you checked the receipt again. Everything seemed normal.

On your way back home, you decided to go through an alleyway. It was faster and easier.

The alley was dark and empty expect for four other people that were still alive expect you. It was a massacre. You knew it for sure. Countless bodies laid dead on the ground of the alley.

An old man, a boy with brown hair and a girl,  no- a boy.. no- a girl with black hair and a mask covering her face were standing there. The old man was choking another man and holding him up against the wall.

The girl whispered something to the old man. Soon, his attention was focused on you and he killed the man in front of him.

You weren't able to turn back now, you would have an awful lot of problems if that happened so you just stood there, looking at the scene that played in front of you.

The man took out a gun and pointed it at you. Just when you wanted to turn around, the girl had already put a knife to your neck. You were unable to move now.

"You saw nothing, right miss?" The man asked as he walked closer, the gun still pointed to your head. A few steps more and the gun would be against your head.

"I saw the whole scene. There's no denying it." With that answer, the gun was pointed against your head and the knife cut your neck.

"I see. So you want to die?" The man asked a question again. The boy was texting on his phone behind him.

"I neither want to die or stay alive. I have no reason to stay alive so if you need to kill me, do it." The expression on your face hadn't changed one bit since you woke up this morning.

The man sighed deeply and took your phone out of your pocket. "Open it." He basically demanded you.

"The code is: '11037'" Seeing your phone getting opened, you were still unable to move because the girl still held the knife against your neck, ready to kill you at any given second.

The man was making a call to someone. When the the person on the other side picked up, the man started talking and walked away, facing his back to you.

You looked at the girl that was restraining you. "Look into my eyes." You stared into the girl's eyes, she stared into yours since your question was so sudden. You whispered: "The Past and then the Future."

You then snapped with your fingers and the girl released you, she then soon ran away. You sighed deeply, the boy stared at you and man did as well. He told what happened to the phone and hung up.

"You'll have to go with us." The man declared. He put on sunglasses and walked towards you. The sunglasses restrained you from using your ability so all you could do is go with them.

The old man walked up to you with the gun in his hand. He was going to knock you out. You knew it for sure. The man lifted his gun up and then...
Everything went black.

Word count: 1047
This is pretty crappy I'm sorry.. it's 2:34 am

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