Chapter eight: Mimic

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That was all there is to it. The mafia was chaos. People were walking over and back with papers in their hands.

You did hear Mori saying something about a new organization that's been going around in Yokohama. Then you received a call, without looking at the caller ID, you picked up.


"(Y/n), come immediately to my office and bring Dazai with you."

That was clearly Mori's voice coming through the phone. Mori hung up immediately after.

"Dazai. The boss needs us in his office right now." You were already on your way to the elevator and basically left Dazai behind.

He quickly ran back up to you though and started pressing the elevator button. You were completely used to Dazai pressing buttons like this so you didn't even bother saying anything.

When the elevator came down, it revealed Odasaku. Since he was an ordinary member there was no need for him to be here. You didn't want to ask why he was here because it would seem impolite so you just smiled at him and stepped into the elevator. Dazai talked a little bit with Oda but soon followed you into the elevator.

You pressed the button to go to Mori's office and the doors closed. "I wonder what the boss wants."

Dazai stayed silent as the elevator went up. When the elevator its destination, the doors opened. All guards immediately stepped away when they saw Dazai. You two made your way to Mori's office and knocked on the door. Soon after a "Come in!" Was heard.

"Good. I'll get straight to my point." Mori started. "(Y/n), I'll be promoting you to Kōyō Ozaki's special interrogation unit which means you'll be working alongside her now. But! You can still work with Dazai if he does any interrogations or if I want you two to team up. Like now. I want you two to help figure out what organization is behind all these murders and what motives they have." Mori took out some papers and handed them to Dazai. "Here. This is where you'll be going."

Dazai took the papers and looked at them. Then he nodded and Mori dismissed you two. "(Y/n), isn't it great, you got promoted!"

You smiled and looked at him. "I am grateful but we'll still get to see each other, right?"

Dazai patted your head. "Of course!" As the elevator went down again Dazai quickly explained what you were going to do. "Three bodies were found near a river. Hirotsu has been sent there, we're going to help them out."
When you two finally arrived which seemed like forever because Dazai was in need to play video games all the way to t he river, you first didn't know where it was.

You had been carrying the papers around because of Dazai's game. The map was in your hand as you looked around. There was no way you would know which way to go.

You closed your eyes to block out your sight and listen to your surroundings but unfortunately all you could hear were the sounds coming from Dazai's DS.

As you got closer to the river you heard a voice.

"Find out if these three have families. If they do, I'll contact them."

Is what you heard. That voice belonged to Hirotsu. You finally found them and dragged Dazai to the place.

"Also, an executive and a member of the Special Interrogation Unit will be coming soon." Hirotsu said as he took out a cigarette.

"Good morning everyone!" That was Dazai. Still focussed on his game.

"Please excuse him." You bowed for the confused people and jumped down to inspect the bodies.

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