Chapter six: Surprise!

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A few months had passed and you had been spending more time with Dazai and Odasaku. You had shown Odasaku some of your works as a part-time writer and he seemed to like it.

You also wanted to spend more time with Ango but he wad usually too busy with his own work and he didn't want to get involved with anything.

You had also been hanging out with Gin a lot. She was a very nice girl once you get to know her. It pretty much happened after you felt like you should apologize to her for what you did. Her and you quickly became friends.

Dazai had been going on missions with Chuuya a lot more lately so you would be left alone. There were also the interrogations that you had to do. Since they were too easy for you, Mori had given you some other missions as well, such as detective missions or murder cases and all that stuff. It wasn't anything physical, which was perfect.

Ever since you and Dazai talked on the roof, you decided to never hole up your emotions anymore and just show them to other people. You were truly happy you were able to meet someone like him.

Dazai had returned from his mission with Chuuya, it was around 9 p.m. You were sitting on the chair in your new office when you got a call from Dazai. A smile appeared on your face when you saw the caller ID: 'Mackerel'. "Dazai?"

"(Y/n)! Come down for a second. I need you here."

"Oh. Why?" You weren't quite sure what was going on.

"Just come." Then he hung up. It left you even more confused. You didn't forget any reports, you finished all your tasks, then why would he need you now?

You decided to just listen to him, you put your phone in one of the pockets of your coat. After all these months, you were still wearing the same outfit that made you look like Dazai. The only difference was, you used the coat on the right way and wore it with its sleeves, unlike Dazai who has the coat hanging around his shoulders.

The elevator made a 'ding' sound and opened its doors. Surprisingly, no one was inside and now you think about it, no one was in their offices or even on this floor. Where is everyone?

As you were lost in the thought, the elevator reached its destination. The doors opened, revealing a dark room. The lights were off, you could basically see nothing. "D-dazai?"

"SURPRISE!" Suddenly the lights turned back on to see a fully decorated room, gifts, a giant cake and some Port Mafia members. You saw Dazai, the two Akutagawas, Higuchi, Chuuya, Mori and Elise, Ango and Odasaku.

You sure were shocked. A huge banner that said 'Happy Birthday!' was hung up on the wall. A lot of balloons were shattered everywhere. If anyone would be walking past, they wouldn't think that this was the mafia.

"I-is it my birthday today?" That was the first thing you said when this all happened. Not even a thank you or anything, no- you had forgotten your own birthday.

Your question left everyone dumbfounded. Dazai walked up to and kneeled down. "Yes it is your birthday. Belladonna." He held out his hand to you. "Shall I take you to the gifts?"

You nodded and took his hand without hesitation. Dazai stood back up, took your hand as well and lead you to the giant table with gifts.

There were all kinds of gifts, big ones, smaller ones. Some were from mafia members who weren't present today.

You picked the first out the first one. It was a little one, roughly ten centimeters (4 inches) length and width wise. It had a pink wrapping paper around it. You started to carefully unwrap the present. It turned out to be a little black box, with inside a beautiful bracelet. The bracelet was made out of all kinds of gems. There was a little aluminum plate with your name craved on it. "Is this from you, Dazai?"

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