Chapter four: Dazai and friends

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Dazai had told you to meet him in his office. There was still so much you wanted to ask him but he would probably just avoid the questions.

You were on your way to Dazai's office with the elevator, again. You pressed the button '7' and soon after, the doors closed, making the elevator go upwards.
(I feel like I should make the elevator a character... that was a joke- don't take that seriously)

The elevator reached the seventh floor and its doors opened. You haven't been on the seventh floor yet. Dazai said there wasn't much except offices so he didn't go there during the little tour.

You were walking around a little bit but got lost. There were no name plates anywhere. Every door could be Dazai's. You then heard someone coughing behind you.

As you turned around to see who it was, you saw a man. He was taller than you, black hair with white tips and all black clothing. You recognized him from somewhere.

Since you were lost either way, you decided to ask him for help. "Excuse me." The man's attention was now on you. His eyes, those were the eyes of the little boy. That was Gin's brother.

"Ryunosuke Akutagawa, right?" You walked up to him. The boy didn't seem too amused upon seeing you.

"How do you know my name. We have never seen each other before." Akutagawa then proceeded to cough again.

You shrugged and didn't answer his question. "Where is Dazai-san's office?"

"Over there." He pointed at the door where he came out from. He then walked away, giving you one last glare.

It didn't bother you that much. The room at which Akutagawa pointed at was a room that you've passed so many times while searching.

You sighed and knocked on the door. A "Come in." was heard and you opened the door. Dazai's office was nothing special. It was plain, empty and lonely. All there was, was a desk, two chairs, two windows, a painting and a candle to provide more light. Since it was in the midst of the day, the candle wasn't even needed.

Dazai pointed at the other chair in the room. You sat down on it and quietly waited for him to say something.

"Here." Dazai took a phone out of his desk and handed it to you. "This is your phone." You took and indeed. It was your phone. Nothing had changed except for some contacts.

Someone had added contacts.



Gin Akutagawa

Mori Ōgai (Boss)

Then you checked the recent changes:

Changed 'Chuuya Nakahara' to 'Slug'

Changed 'Dazai Osamu' to 'Bandage Machine'

Changed 'Slug' to 'Chuuya Nakahara'

Changed 'Bandage Machine' to 'Dazai Osamu'

Changed 'Dazai Osamu' to 'Mackerel'

Changed 'Chuuya Nakahara' to 'Slug'

Then it stopped. You looked up at Dazai. A dark aura was all around you. They had been playing around with your phone.

Dazai was smiling. "How do you like it?" He asked in the most innocent tone ever heard.

"Dazai." For once, you had left the '-san' behind his name. "Who is Mackerel?" You asked like you didn't know already, just to mess around with him.

Dazai looked confused at first but then knew what you meant. He slapped the desk with his hands and wanted to take the phone out of your hands. Before he could do that, he received a call from 'Slug'.

Dazai picked up his call and started screaming. "CHUUYA! HOW DARE YOU CHANGE MY NAME IN (Y/N)'S PHONE?!!"

In return, you could hear Chuuya screaming as well. "WHAT? YOU CHANGED MY NAME TOO!"

You were just sitting there, staring at Dazai and Chuuya's conversation. "NO I DID NOT!" He denied. Dazai tried to get out of the situation by changing the subject. "Anyways, why did you call?"

"DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT YOU IDIOT!" You heard Chuuya scream from the other side but also from behind the door. Then the door of Dazai office opened, revealing a mad Chuuya.

Dazai crouched and went under his desk, hiding from Chuuya like a child. He hung up on the call. Chuuya looked around, then noticed you.

"(Y/n). Where's Dazai?" He was really straightforward about that.

You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't want to get involved in your stupid arguments but he's hiding under his desk." As soon as you said that, you had ran away from the desk and were now standing in front of the only exit.

Dazai stood up from under his desk and pointed at you. "(Y/n)! Why did you have to do that?!"

Chuuya took Dazai by his collar and walked out of the room, passed you. He was still holding onto Dazai's collar. "(Y/n)! Change my name in your contacts!" Chuuya said as they both disappeared in the elevator.

Not one minute had passed and you got a text message.

Mackerel: Change my name too when you're at it and leave Chuuya's name as it is.

One second later you received this:

Slug: Don't listen to what that idiot sent you and change my name.

You sighed at their messages and decided to leave both their names as they were. As you were looking through your phone for any other changes, you found some pictures in your usually empty gallery.

It was a picture of Chuuya. Well, his back. There was another picture of Chuuya. He was angry and reaching for the phone. Then there was a picture of Elise. A picture where Dazai wanted to take a selfie with him and Chuuya but Chuuya just looked away. One last picture which contained Dazai working on his desk.

You felt something inside you. This feeling, what is it. It felt like, your heart was... jumping? Your stomach was also feeling weird. You were pretty sure this wasn't some kind of illness, then why?

Leaving the weird feeling aside, like you did with most emotions, you left the room. You got into the elevator and decided to just relax for a little while in the income hall.

When the elevator doors closed, you received a call. From no other than 'Mackerel'. You pressed the button to go to the income hall and picked up your phone.

"(Y/n)? Where are you?" You didn't even say anything and Dazai had already asked a question.

"I'm going to rest a bit on one of the couches in the income hall. Why?"

"I want you to meet a few people." You could hear someone else talking as well.

"I'll get going then." You said as you wanted to hang up so badly. Before you could push the button with the red phone, you heard Dazai again.

"No! Wait! Did you change my name yet?"

You sighed and without answering his question, you hung up. In the meantime, the doors of the elevator had opened again, revealing the income hall.

There were a few couches in the corners so you went to sit there. The view wasn't much. It was just some people in black suits like you walking around and talking to each other.

A few minutes had passed when you Dazai and two other men behind him. Those were probably the people he was talking about.

Word count: 1208
I had so much fun writing this chapter. Also don't mind the many mistakes I am writing those chapters at 2 a.m. so my brain is always edgy and stupid... yea

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