Chapter three: First interrogation

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The elevator doors opened, revealing the hall and the entrance to the Port Mafia. A lot of people in black suits were walking around there.

Dazai walked out of the elevator. Most people stopped doing what they did and bowed to him. Dazai made his way out of the Mafia with you following behind him.

"This is the entrance. I'll give you a quick look around." He announced before walking back inside.

Just like he said he would do, he did. Dazai lead you through the whole building and showed you the most important parts of it. For example: the messhall, the training floors, interrogation rooms, offices and your own bedroom.

Your bedroom was the last destination. "Here it ends." Dazai smiled and gave you some papers. "These are the papers for your first interrogation. I will be there to judge how you do." He waved and walked away.

The room was quite big. It had a bed, desk, chair, wardrobe and a bathroom. Closing the door behind you, you fell onto your new bed with the papers still in your hand.

"What an exhausting day." You mumbled to yourself and started skimming through the papers.

Name: [Enter a Japanese guy's name]
Age: 24
Organization: [Enter enemy organization]

What information do we need?:
- Hideout of the organization
- Amount of members
- Name of the boss
- Motives

We will need you in interrogation room n°2 at 10 a.m. sharp.

~Mori Ōgai (Your boss)
~Dazai Osamu (Your superior)

Seemed easy enough. All you had to do is read through his memories and all would be done. You put the papers down on a nightstand that stood next to the bed.

There was a clock in the room which said it was eleven a'clock. Extracting from the outside a couple hours ago, it would be eleven p.m. Perfect time to go to sleep.

You went to take a quick shower, put on some pajamas that you found in the wardrobe and went straight to bed. As you dimmed the lights, you also closed your eyes and eventually fell asleep.

A girl that you've seen somewhere before, a guy and eight other kids were sitting on the ground in some kind of alley.

One of the girls seemed familiar in some way. She looked like the Gin Akutagawa but younger.

A few older men were talking behind the corner of their alley. "The shipment with Port Mafia goods will depart in 3 hours. It'll depart at the port in Tokyo and will arrive at the port in Yokohama."

All the ten kids were shocked. One gasped which made the men notice them. "This isn't good. They overheard everything." One of the men said.

Directly after, all the kids were slaughtered except for two. The younger version of Gin and what seemed like her friend or brother.

The little Gin was fast enough to come up with a plan to escape. You followed them and saw the two were hiding in another alley. The brother had been shot in his leg and thus the little girl was tending to his wound.

A little while had passed and the boy had said that he wanted revenge for his dead friends. They went to the port in Yokohama, only to be stopped by a male that looked an awful lot like Dazai Osamu.

Of course, the little boy used his ability to get through but Dazai made his ability disappear? 'That also happened with my ability... Dazai Osamu... he's able to nullify other's abilities?'

Dazai invited the so called 'Ryunosuke Akutagawa' to the Port Mafia. That meant Gin and Ryunosuke were siblings. The boy joined and so did Gin.

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