Chapter five: Emotions

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Dazai and two other men came walking towards you. One wore glasses and had brown hair. The other had red hair and didn't wear glasses.

"Odasaku, Ango. This is my new subordinate, (Y/n). (Y/n), this is Odasaku and this is Ango." Dazai introduced you to the two new people.

You stood up from the couch you were sitting on bowed to them. "It's a pleasure. My name is (Y/n) (L/n)."

The man with red hair smiled nicely. "I am Oda Sakunoske." The man who claimed to be Odasaku stuck out his hand.

You shook it and nodded once. The other man did the same. "The name's Ango Sakaguchi." You shook his hand as well.

Dazai stepped in between the conversation. "I hope you three get along. I have something to attend to and Ango is coming with me." Dazai took Ango's arms and dragged him with him to the elevator. You and Odasaku were now left alone.

Oda sat down on one of the other couches, you did the same and looked at him, he looked at you and smiled again. "What's with the expression?"

First you didn't know what he meant but then it hit to you. He was talking about the same stoic, cold expression that had been on your face for years. "Nothing."

Oda didn't give up on the conversation like Dazai did. He kept asking questions, he wanted to get to know you.

You learned he also enjoyed writing and reading. He was a nice person overall and you really didn't understand why this man was in the mafia.

"So (Y/n), can you show me one of your works sometime?"

You nodded slightly. The man was genuinely curious. "Odasaku-san. I need your help." That was probably the first and last time you ever asked someone for help.

"Hmm? What it is?"

"I have this emotion in me and I don't know what it is. Every time I look at Dazai, I feel my heart do something and my stomach feels weird too. What is that? I have never felt that before.." You explained to him.

Oda listened to your whole explanation and then smiled. "That. That's called love."

"Love?" Your tone gave the slight hint of confusion.

"It's when two people like each other. Not just as friends or best friends, more than that. When they feel like they can't go without each other." Odasaku felt like he genuinely wanted to help you. He didn't laugh at you when you asked. He was a nice man.

"Ah... is that something common?"

"I can't really answer that question, sorry."

Your expression still didn't change, you looked up at the ceiling and sighed. You were feeling some emotion and you can't put it away like most emotions.

It went silent for a little while and then Dazai and Ango had come back. "Heey! (Y/n)!" Yes, that was Dazai, calling for you in a childish tone.

He ran up to you, pulling you into a hug. Ango, who was behind him looked done with everything. Oda couldn't help but smile at the sight of this.

You let him hug you for a few seconds before he pulled away. "Come with me." He took your wrist and took you to the elevator. Leaving Ango and Oda behind, he kept on pressing the elevator button.

Finally the elevator doors opened, you and Dazai went inside. He pressed the button with the highest number on it. That was were Mori's office was, right?

The doors closed and the elevator went up. Your little ride was held in silence. Questions filled your head. 'Why would Mori-san need me? Is there something else on the top floor? Why would he take me there?'

Eventually a ding was heard and the elevator had reached the top. Its doors opened, Dazai took you by your wrist and brought you to a staircase. "Come on."

He took the stairs up. You were hesitant at first but decided to just follow him and see. Once you were on top, you saw a door. You opened it and saw Dazai standing on the roof.

He waved at you. You walked up to him and stood next to him. "(Y/n)." He looked at you with a serious look. He had changed his expression in mere seconds.

"Dazai-san. Why did you bring me here?"

"Are your parents okay with you just randomly disappearing?"

His question sounded way too serious to be a joke. You broke the gaze you and Dazai were having and you stared down on the city. "My parents don't care."

Dazai was still looking at you. He took your chin and forced you to look at him. "Tell me the truth, (Y/n)."

The one eye that wasn't covered was yearning for the truth. He wanted to get to know you but your past was something full of emotions that you've been hiding up until now.

"You don't need to know.. It's not that important." You slapped his hand away and looked towards the city again.

"(Y/n), it is important. I just... I just.." Dazai looked away as well.

"You just?"

"I just.. I just want you to be happy, okay? That's all.." He looked down in embarrassment.

You were shocked. For this one day that you knew him, he had been the nicest person you've known. Tears were leaving your eyes and for the first time since your parent's deaths, you were crying again. "D-dazai.. I-..."

Dazai had noticed you crying. The girl who doesn't know what emotions are, was crying. He hugged you and you hugged him back. "It's okay, (Y/n). It's okay to cry."

Your arms were wrapped around his waist and cried on his chest. Human warmth was something you had missed deep inside but never admitted it.

Dazai was rubbing your back and your head with his two arms. "And I was almost thinking you had no emotions at all."

You backed away, wiped off your tears and let out a little smile. "That's mean.." You softly bumped your fist onto his chest. "Thank you.."

Dazai looked confused and tilted his head to the side. "Why are you thanking me?"

"My parents both died when I was little, ever since then I have been holing up my emotions.. you helped me get them back." You bowed to him and smiled again. It was genuine smile for once.

Even Dazai had to smile and saw your smile. That was all he ever wanted and needed to see. "You're welcome."

You were making your way back to the staircase. Dazai wanted to stay for a little while so you decided to go on already. When you were in front of the door that connected the roof and the staircase, you stopped. "You know, I also learned another emotion. Apparently it's called love."

Dazai heard what you said and turned around only to find no one standing there anymore. You were already back into the elevator, leaving Dazai behind with a smile on his face.

Word count: 1182
A little shorter than normally so sorry for that

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