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It had been only an hour since I had arrived home from the hospital after our first kiss, but after hearing what Shancai had to say...I knew what I needed to do. I got up off of the couch and ran to put my coat on. I quickly slip it on. I turn on my phone to check my phone. It was 12 pm. I open the door but I freeze. Was I sure I was ready to do this? I gulp. I shake my head and then walk out the door, locking it behind me. I start to walk down the sidewalk, and then I quicken my pace. That's when I started sprinting. I ran fast. Before I knew it I ran straight past the bus stop. I guess some adrenaline kicked in. The hospital was a few blocks away.

It took about 15 minutes to get there. I was out of breath when I reached the entrance of the hospital. I walked inside trying to catch my breath again before I made it to Lei's floor. I walked up to his door and stopped with my door on the handle. I finally got the guts to open the door. When I walked in he was gone. I panicked. I walked out of the room and down the hall through the whole floor looking for him. I felt myself become scared. I felt tears in my eyes. I stopped outside of his room again with the hope he would come back to his room.

I sat outside of his room on a chair for 3 hours in tears. I was terrified he was in emergency surgery or something. I was scared something happened to him and he was hurt or dying. The tears kept falling. I was scared I would never get the chance to tell him what I needed to say. With my head down, I saw a pair of slippers on the floor. I slowly looked up. My eyes met with Lei. He kneels down in front of me, his eyes in line with mine. 

"What happened?" He asks with a soft voice. I burst into tears. I try to say something but I choke on my tears and it only comes out as wails. He wraps his arms around me. He holds me close to his body. I felt the warmth immediately. I felt safe in his arms. My cries slowed and eventually stopped. He pulled away. He looked at me. I wipe my tears from my eyes. "Let's talk in my room." He says. I nod and follow him inside. He shuts the door behind us and walks over to his bed sitting down. I sit down next to him. 

"Why were you crying?" He asks looking at me. 

"I came to see you...but you were gone so I thought something bad happened to you...and I got scared," I say. He nods. 

"But I'm okay. I'm sorry I scared you." He says. I nod. I turn my face to look at him.  

"I need to tell you something," I say. He nods. 

"Lei I did some thinking after what you said..." I say. I noticed his face dropped. He looked down at the ground. 

"You did?" He asks. I nod. "So...what do you need to say?" He asks.

"Lei look at me," I say. He slowly lifts his head to meet my eyes. I lean in and kiss him gently on the lips. I stay that way for a moment before I pull away and stare into his eyes. 

"Lei...I love you too." I say. His eyes widen and a small smile forms on his lips. He looked almost as if he was shocked. 

"You do?" he says. I nod with a small smile. I felt my cheeks burning. He smiles big. I feel my smile grow bigger. That's when he leans in to kiss me again. I smile between the kiss.

"I can't believe this." He says with a huge smile when he pulls away.

 "Me neither," I say as I chuckle. "I was so nervous to do that you have no idea," I said causing him to chuckle again. 

"So in that case...y/n?" He says. 

"What is it?" I say. His smile softens to become sweet. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. I feel butterflies in my stomach. I bite my lip with a smile and nod. This felt like a dream. That dream was soon interrupted by Si busting through the door. Lei was sitting very close to me and it was pretty obvious.

"Lei!" Si says as he walks in before he notices me. I look at Lei and blink. He makes a small cough sound and Si looks up and notices me. He stops in his tracks. Si laughs. 

"What are you two doing in here?" he says. I look at Lei and he smiles. 

"I haven't seen you since I got to the hospital. Where have you been?" Lei says with a smile. Si smirks. 

"I see you are changing the subject." He says. Lei's face turns slightly red and I can feel my face heat up a bit as well.

"You two are hiding something aren't you?" Si asks. Lei looks at me so I sigh and nod. 

"Listen, Si....Y/n agreed to date me," Lei says. Si's eyes widen. 

"Lei...are you going to be okay though? You haven't dated anyone since Jing." Si says. Lei sighs and nods. 

"I will be fine, don't worry Y/n while shes here. I don't want her to break up with me right before we even get one day." Lei says causing me to chuckle. I didn't realize that Lei was so comfortable when the rest of F4 is together. He is quite shy normally. 

The day ended quickly and I decided to go home even though I wanted to stay with Lei. I knew I needed to have a moment to myself to think. After getting ready for bed, I crawled in and soon drifted off to sleep....thinking that this was going to be the best relationship I will ever get, and I slept well.

Hello loves! I hope you are all healthy and safe. Just a reminder if you are going to the George Floyd protests please be careful. I care about each and every one of you. Thanks for reading this chapter! Until the next one.


Goodbye darling // Huaze Lei X reader {Completed one shot}Where stories live. Discover now