Chapter 21

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Emily's POV

"There is only one thing left to face."

"What is that?"


"Oof. Are you sure?"


"Alright then. Let's go."

I knew it would be a waste of time if I tried to text her, so I figured we could just go to her house. Since I know her schedule so well, I know she won't be busy right now. Or at least she shouldn't be. I show Yoongi the way to her house, and we arrive there quickly. Once we reach her house, I knock on the front door a few times. I only stand there for a few seconds until her mom opens it. I then wonder if she even told her mom we weren't friends anymore. I doubt it.

"Oh hello Emily! I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm doing ok. Sorry I haven't been around in a while, but I actually came here to talk to Kenzie about that. Is she here?"

She shakes her head slightly. "Sorry, she isn't home right now. I haven't seen her all day actually."

"Oh ok. Well that's fine. I suppose I can talk to her later. Thanks anyway."

"Yep. See you later."

As soon as she closes the door, I walk down the sidewalk and consider all my options. Normally she is at home at this hour, but perhaps she's hanging out with Ryan? That leaves me my only option.

"Yoongi, we have to go to Ryan's house?"

"You're kidding right?"

"Sadly no. As much as I don't want to see him, maybe she's at his house. I need to talk to her."


We walk the few blocks to his house, and I remember back to when Yoongi beat him to a pulp. I push that memory to the back of my head as we reach his front porch. For as rude as Ryan is, his house is quite beautiful. I hesitantly knock on his front door, my heartbeat becoming more rapid. After a little while of standing there, he finally opens the door. Once he realizes who it is, it's clearly written on his face that he was not expecting us.

"Oh..hey Emily. Hey Yoongi."

"Sorry to bother you Ryan, but I only came here to see if Kenzie was here."

"Nah, she's not here. I actually haven't heard from her in a while."

A lump seems to form in my throat. "O-oh ok. Thanks anyway."

I grab Yoongi's hand and drag us out of there was quickly as possible. Once I hear Ryan close the door and we're far enough away from his house, I let go of his hand and turn around to face him.

"Yoongi, I'm really starting to get worried. She's not in the two places I know she would be. I know we haven't been talking or anything, but I still care for her. She is still my best friend. What should I do?"

"Well before you start to panic, how about we look around town. She's probably just hanging around town somewhere. I'm sure she's around here somewhere."

I take a deep breath. "You're right. I'm getting worked up for nothing. Let's go look around town."

We quickly make our way downtown, weaving in and out of every store we see. I make sure we look at every person browsing, just to make sure we don't miss her. I practically flip the town upside down looking for her. In the end, we don't find her.

"Where the hell are you Kenzie?!"

anyone still reading this? just love depression making me not want to upload another chapter for months :)

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