chapter four

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C A L E B 

Somewhere around half past 5, I ended up falling asleep. Barely half an hour after that, my alarm woke me up. It was then that I remembered that I had to attend my lecture at seven. So, I woke up with a pounding headache and the strong urge to commit murder. Then, I looked over at Dustin who was still sound asleep. For a second, I considered waking him up by dowsing a bucket of ice cold water on his face - but I couldn't be bothered to clean up the mess afterwards. 

So, with a groan, I climbed off of bed. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed into the blue button up shirt I had bought specifically for my college lectures - hoping that I could catch the eye of a few guys. But, they probably just thought I was their professor or something.

Nonetheless, I hadn't worn this specific shirt before so I quickly changed into it and by then, it was already quarter to seven. I decided to skip breakfast because it would take me approximately ten minutes to get to my university if I drove - and it would take me approximately five minutes to finish my breakfast, but I wasn't taking any risks. 

Even though I was more tired than I had ever been in my entire life, I somehow managed to drive to my campus without causing at least three accidents on my way there. Come to think of it, I drive better when I'm absentminded than when I'm focused. 

And that was how I ended up in my very first lecture of the day, almost falling asleep more times than I could count. I had my cheek resting on my palm, and occasionally my hand would give away and I'd almost bang my forehead against the desk. 

I watched the professor's mouth open and close - but I could barely hear or comprehend anything he was saying. I was pretty sure that he had just repeated the same thing for the twentieth time in a row, but for some reason I still couldn't understand. Yet, it took me barely twenty minutes to memorize the lyrics to at least five songs from the Chase Atlantic album that the guy next door played. 

I felt a glare make its way onto my face at the thought of him. Damn him. This was all his fault. What person in their right mind even thinks that blasting music so early in the morning is appropriate or acceptable in any way, shape or form? Did he even manage to get some rest himself? Or did the music help him fall asleep sooner? If that were the case then I couldn't say the same for myself because I'd even managed to count to a million sheep and I still found it impossible to fall asleep with the volume of the music.

Though, I will admit that he has good taste in music - however, that still doesn't make it okay to attempt to deafen your neighbour with said music.

If only I wasn't such a nervous wreck. If only I didn't fear rejection, I would have confronted him this morning. But, I couldn't. To be truthful, his demeanour kind of creeped me out. He looked like he'd body slam me onto the ground and pour freezing cold orange juice into my mouth after I'd brushed my teeth if I even did something as slight as to snarl at him. 

My head was still pounding. It was like I could still hear the song at the back of my head, taunting me - slowly, yet surely driving me insane. I let out an annoyed groan and pressed my forehead against my desk, squeezing my eyes shut for a  brief moment so I could get a second's rest. 

Somehow, that second's rest ended up turning into an hour. When I woke up, all the students were scurrying around to exit the room - and I was still sitting behind my desk, my hair now resembling a bird's nest. I had slept through a crucial lecture. 

However, strangely enough, I couldn't be bothered, because I'd gotten a satisfying amount of sleep - if you leave out the terrifying nightmare I had of Chase Atlantic blaring on my wedding day whilst me and my husband, Brad Pitt, exchanged our vows - and now I was recharged enough to carry on with the rest of the procedures of the day. 

I stretched out my limbs and gathered my notebooks and my laptop. I only had a couple more hours left till I could go home - and then I had to begin studying everything I had learned for the day. Yet, that would prove to be a little difficult later on because I hadn't paid attention at all. The only thing I heard my professor say was that this was an important lecture and if anyone missed it, they would be doomed.

Well then, I guess I'm doomed.

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