chapter twenty-five

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C A L E B 

Much to my surprise, we had ended up walking there in complete silence. Even more to my surprise, when I prepared myself for when my shift would begin, I noticed that Mateo had quietly taken a seat in the corner of the shop. For the first few minutes of him being there, I didn't question a thing. Instead, I tied my apron around my waist and took my place behind the counter like I usually would've. 

However, after fifteen minutes had passed by, I noticed that he was still sitting there with his phone in his hand. I was aware that I wouldn't be allowed to go and speak to him right then because I had to tend to the customers. So, I looked around for my boss, and when I realized that she was nowhere to be seen, I quickly rushed over to where Mateo sat.

I tapped his shoulder to grab his attention and he turned to face me with a look of confusion. 

"Why are you still here? You can go back now, you know. Thanks for walking me here."

Mateo hummed in response before saying, "I'll walk you back, too. If you end up dying on the streets, I don't want to be blamed for it."

I opened my mouth to protest, but when I heard the familiar chime of the bell hanging on top of the door, meaning a customer had entered, I turned around and rushed back to the counter with my heart in a frenzy. 

Just what was he doing to me?

After a few hours had passed with me attending to numerous customers, attempting to not mess up their orders and succeeding this time, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and untied my apron, setting it aside on the counter-top. My shift was finally over.

I sauntered over to Mateo who was still seated in his original position and tugged on his sleeve. He looked up at me and stood up when he noticed that my shift had ended and the both of us made our way out the shop in silence. 

Less than quarter-way through our walk, Mateo began, "Shouldn't you ask your friend for your key-card?"

"You're right," I hummed. "I'll do it right now."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly dialled in Dustin's number, placing the phone against my ear right after. When I heard his obnoxiously loud voice from the other line, I had to hold it a little further away from my poor ear. Oh, all the trauma my ears have faced.

"HELLO?" Dustin screamed.

"Jesus Christ, why are you being so loud?" I responded. 

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Dustin yelled again - which was when I heard the sound of music and people in the background.

"Are you at a party right now?" I questioned. 


"Stop screaming for a second, my God," I grumbled. "Can you go out somewhere where it's silent?"

"OH, ALRIGHT!" came the response. A few minutes of dead silence followed before Dustin spoke up again, in a much calmer voice this time, "Yeah, what is it?"

"I left my key-card at your place, can I go over to get it?"

"My keys are with me though," Dustin responded. "And I don't get back home till midnight tomorrow."

"What?!" I half-yelled. "Dustin I really need to-"

"Where did you stay last night?"

"At Mateo's place."

"Then stay there tonight and tomorrow night as well, it's not a big deal," Dustin snorted. "Adapt to change."

"Dustin, are you high or something?" I whined. "I need to get to my apartment."

"You can get to your apartment the day after tomorrow, oh - it looks like I've been summoned, adios!"

And with that, the line went dead. I shoved my phone back into my pocket with an annoyed groan which was when Mateo let out a chuckle from beside me, "Looks like you're stuck with me for two more nights - huh, roomie?"

Kill me now.

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