chapter twenty-two

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C A L E B 

"Ugh, Matthew is the definition of a broflake," Dustin complained, leaning back against his couch and giving me a concerned glance. "You're really okay, right?"

"I don't know," I began with a sigh. "I was kind of expecting the rejection, but I didn't think it would be like that. If it hadn't been for Mateo I would've ended up being so embarrassed." Dustin grinned at the mention of Mateo's name and gave me a teasing smirk, which I fully disregarded. 

"Anyway, at least you aren't the only person who got rejected," Dustin scoffed, looking away all of a sudden.

"Why? What do you mean?" I questioned, tilting my head at him out of curiosity. 

Dustin shifted in his place before looking back at me, "Remember the girl I told you about that day? The one that stans healthy kings?" I nodded in response, waiting for him to continue. "Listen, I tried everything there is, okay? From kale to avocado to spinach to beets, you name it. But turns out she has a boyfriend."

"A boyfriend?" I began. "Is he a healthy king?"

"He benches 225 pounds and eats salad everyday for breakfast," he deadpanned. "His name is Lucas - more like lucky-ass." 

"So both of our love lives have gone down the drain, huh?" I said with a bitter chuckle. "But you know, I could always set you up with Olivia. You guys seemed to be getting along quite well that day."

Dustin gave me an interested look before proceeding to offer, "And I could set you up with Mateo if you'd like. You guys seem to be getting along quite well these days too, you know?"

I scoffed and flung a pillow at him, which he caught mid-air, giving me a victorious grin. 

"Anyway, you wanna play video games?" Dustin questioned. Before I could respond, he had already begun to walk over to his drawer where he kept his not-so-secret stash of video games. He pulled out at least seven CDs and I let out a distressed sigh. This was going to be a long night.

After a couple of hours, Dustin had ended up falling asleep with his controller still in his hands. It was an amusing sight to see, so I couldn't leave without taking a couple of pictures of him first. After having completed my evil deed, I switched off the television and took the controller from his hands to place it on top of the table nearby. Following that, I cracked my knuckles and prepared myself for the extreme weight-lifting I was about to perform.

I discreetly tucked one of my arms under his knees and secured the other around his shoulder, carrying him with a little more than a bit of trouble after counting in my head to three. I proceeded to make the tiring journey to his bedroom, feeling as if I was carrying a pregnant bear. Finally, when we got there, I threw him onto his bed and pulled the sheets over his figure. Then, I gave him a gentle slap on his face - don't ask - and turned to leave his abode. 

I got into my car which was parked outside and put the key in the ignition before beginning to drive back home. During my journey, I put on some R&B music so I could calm down a little after such a hectic day with the whole Matthew and Mateo situation. 

After not more than half an hour or so, I had reached my place. So, after parking my car in its usual spot, I began to walk to my apartment. When I got there, I shoved my hand into my pocket to pull out my key-card which was when my blood ran cold as a horrifying realization hit me. 

I had forgotten my key-card at Dustin's place.

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