chapter five

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C A L E B 

After my lectures for the day were done with, I drove all the way back home after having gotten myself a cup of soy-milk coffee to energize myself. I parked my car in the underground parking lot and began to make my way to the reception, coffee in hand. On my way there, I spotted the devil once again.

He looked awfully energetic for someone who had stayed up blasting music all night - and that pissed me off. The audacity. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him and continued making my way to my room, and somehow, in the process of doing so, I bumped into said devil. 

What followed was disaster. The coffee I had been holding splashed all over my new button up shirt - and even worse, it was scalding. I let out a loud shriek and whipped my head up to ask him what his problem was, but, he was gone - just like how he had disappeared after leading Dustin's phone to it's untimely demise.

The man at the reception handed me a dry towel upon noticing my hysteria and after thanking him, I began wiping my shirt whilst muttering a string of curse words under my breath. When I got to my apartment, I opened the door with my key-card and stepped inside with a glare still on my face. Upon spotting Dustin, I let out a sigh. 

"You're still here?"

"Yeah, I am-," he began, looking up at me. "Woah, what happened to you?"

"Take a wild guess," I scoffed, making my way over to my bed and sitting down on it. "The stupid jerk from next door bumped into me and made me spill my coffee all over myself."

"Well shit," he spoke. "That guy might have some clumsy feet."

"I feel horrible," I complained. 

"You look horrible."

"Don't I always?" I snorted. "He even started playing music so fucking loudly at three in the morning and I barely got a wink of sleep. I ended up falling asleep during my lecture."

"And that's why you should drop out, like yours truly," Dustin said with a smile. "But damn, if I were awake at that time I would have just killed myself."

"Is that a suggestion?"

"Take it as you will," Dustin shrugged playfully. 

I ignored him and continued rambling while unbuttoning my shirt so I could change into something more comfortable, "I don't even get what his problem is. He didn't apologize after bumping into you and breaking your phone, and he didn't even bother to look at me after making me spill my coffee on my new fucking shirt. On top of that, I still have a headache because of the music. Why does he even need to play music so early in the morning?"

"You don't really need deductive reasoning for that," Dustin started. "Maybe he never got by his emo phase."

I rolled my eyes and he continued, "But hearing music so early in the morning is better than hearing.. you know."

"What?" I urged, unable to keep up with what he was trying to say.

"You know what I'm saying," Dustin said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. 

"No, actually. I don't."

"Damn it, you're so dense," Dustin sighed in exasperation. "I meant.. it's better than hearing him have the.. horizontal tango, if you will."

"Horizontal what?" I began, raising my eyebrows in confusion. "What in the world is that?"

"God damn it, Caleb!" Dustin groaned. "Sex! I mean sex."

"You do have a point there," I sighed as I shrivelled up in disgust at the thought of having to hear him get it on every night with another individual. Pure torture, I'll tell you that. In the rare occasion that something that ungodly ends up happening, I won't hesitate to move a million yards away. I'd even consider moving into the sewers to live with the ninja turtles.

"What song was he even playing anyway?"

"Why are you so interested in that?"

"Just tell me," Dustin said with a pout that I found impossible to refuse. 

"Chase Atlantic," I responded bluntly, anticipating his reaction. 

"Oh my God!" Dustin exclaimed. "What a legend, he has great taste in music. You know what? I should just go ahead and befriend him."

Is it too late to kick him out now?

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