chapter thirty-seven

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C A L E B 

A week had passed since the incident at my place. After that, every time I left my place and walked by Mateo, he didn't even bother to glance at me. He didn't even bother to make conversation or anything. He had even stopped playing Chase Atlantic and had switched to playing more sad, slow music. It didn't take a genius to figure out that he was definitely upset about what had happened. 

I don't know what he regretted about the situation; the fact that we didn't get to kiss or the fact that he had even initiated something like that with me? Probably the latter, I figured.

Of course I was upset, too - but for a different reason. I didn't appreciate how he had completely fucked with my feelings and disappeared just like that. I even attempted to text him so I could talk out what had happened with him, but he simply left me on seen. You know what they say about not feeling real pain unless you've been left on seen. 

I did manage to get some alone time with him whenever I went out at night to take out the trash, but he would simply run away when he saw me or just pretend like he hadn't even noticed me. I even attempted to go to his place. When he saw me, however, he slammed the door in my face and didn't answer after that. 

So, I decided it was time for me to give up - as much as it hurt. I had spoken it out with Dustin and he told me to give it time, because according to him time would fix everything. I hoped he was right. 

"Hello? Earth to Caleb? Are you listening?" Dustin's voice boomed through the phone.

"Yeah, sorry. Where were you again?" I said, snapping back to reality. 

"Right, I was just saying that she totally one-upped my confession! I mean, I felt so defeated."

"I'm pretty sure anything can one-up your two lies one truth confession," I snorted, leaning against the headboard of my bed with a frustrated sigh - the images of Mateo refusing to leave my head no matter how hard I tried. I hoped the sigh would go unnoticed by Dustin, but he was quick to notice.

"You're thinking about him aren't you?"

"Me? Mateo? Hah! Never," I lied, digging my nails into the palm of my hand.

"I didn't even mention his name," he asserted. "I told you that time will fix everything. Stop worrying so much."

"How am I supposed to do that?" I complained, pinching the bridge of my nose, slightly irked. "He keeps ignoring me and I don't know what I did wrong. I've tried over and over and over again to get him to talk to me - but nothing seems to fucking work."

"Give him some time," he sighed. "Or you could always try again."

"I've tried about a hundred and two times," I sassed.

"Hundred and third time's the charm," he snickered. "Anyway, I've got to get going now. I bagged a date with this super cute chick from my culinary class. I'll be sure to let you know how it went later. Take care of yourself, stop thinking about Matilda so much."

"Matilda? It's Mateo-" I began, but halted when I realized he had hung up on me. I tossed my phone aside and climbed out of my bed, grabbing a jacket from my coat stand and putting it on. 

I was going to go for a walk to clear my thoughts - that's what I was going to do. It would probably help me get my mind off of Mateo for a while too, and right now, that's what I needed. I needed to forget.

Without wasting any time, I rushed out of my place after shoving my key-card into my pocket and instantly shrivelled up at how cold it was outside. Still, that wasn't going to stop me. I proceeded to make my way into the elevator - and when I reached the ground floor, I roamed outside with no particular destination in mind. 

I began to make my journey to the same park where I had encountered a very drunk Mateo, and tensed at all the memories. My head started to ache even further upon remembering him once again. The walk wasn't seeming to help either, so I decided to rest my legs for a while. 

I began making my way over to the bench and halted in my tracks when I saw a familiar figure perched on the bench. 

"Mateo?" I questioned, my voice soft yet audible. 

Instantly, his head shot up - and when I made eye contact with him after what seemed like ages, my heart was immediately sent into overdrive. My knees began to buckle underneath me and I was afraid they were going to give away at any moment then. 

"Can we talk, please?" I attempted. 

But I was too late. He had already gotten up, stuffed his hands into his pockets, and left without a word. 

I watched him leave, my heart throbbing in my chest.

Hundred and third time's the charm my ass.

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