chapter thirteen

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C A L E B 

Olivia, Dustin,  Matthew and I spent the rest of our time catching up. Dustin would occasionally crack some unfunny jokes here and there, and I would wonder why I even agreed to be his friend in the first place. Olivia was still as welcoming and warm as I remembered her to be and it honestly felt great talking to her after such a long time. Matthew, on the other hand..

In the few hours we had spent together, we ended up getting closer than either of us had ever intended to. I felt honoured knowing that I was the first person he thought to go to in his situation. 

After a while, it was time to say our goodbyes. Dustin left with Olivia after giving me a wink and whispering something along the lines of 'use protection' which nearly earned him a punch square in the jaw from none other than yours truly. 

Matthew and I had fallen asleep somewhere around midnight. The first few minutes of the night were spent with me restlessly staring at the ceiling. I wanted to write about all the events that had taken place that week in my journal, however I knew I couldn't with Matthew there. I had a lot of personal things written down there - extremely detailed gay fantasies, to be precise - and I didn't want him to read them. 

Eventually, I fell asleep too. To my luck, though, I ended up waking up yet again at the dead hours of three in the morning - surprise, surprise! - to the sound of Mitchel Cave's voice. 

Instinctively, I looked over at Matthew. The commotion had awoken him too. 

"What on Earth is that?" he mumbled in a raspy voice, still in a daze as he wiped his eyes with his fists. 

I huffed in annoyance and grabbed my glasses, too lazy to find my contact lenses, and sat upright on my bed, rubbing my temples. "That's the guy from next door, the loser imbecile who always plays his music at this time."

"That's it, I'm going to ask him to stop," Matthew declared, getting up and storming out of the room before I could even attempt to stop him. So, I ran out after him. By then he was already knocking on the devil's door.

"Matthew, listen to me, you really don't want to-"

The door swung open and my heart immediately began to race when I saw him. He looked as gorgeous - no, I mean as annoying as ever.

"What do you want?" Mateo said, annoyance evident in his voice as he eyed Matthew up and down with a raised brow. 

"Can you turn your music down?" Matthew questioned sternly, folding his arms across his chest in an attempt to intimidate Mateo - an action which proved to be of no use.

"Sorry, I can't hear you," Mateo grinned. 

"Then turn the god damn music off!" Matthew shouted. "It's bothering us, you know?!"

"I don't really care, you know?!" Mateo fired back, slamming the door on Matthew's face after giving me an incomprehensible look. 

Perhaps Matthew and I had made it onto Mateo's death-list.

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