chapter thirty-nine

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C A L E B 

The holidays had finally come to an end. It seemed awfully short yet long at the same time - but I was still unhappy to be back. Why? Because it had been so easy for me to avoid Mateo during the holidays - I barely had to leave my place unless it was for something work-related or if Dustin wanted to meet up somewhere. But now that they were over, I had to see him every single day during my lectures. 

I had even led myself to believe during the holidays that I had forgotten about him. That I had completely moved on and could find someone better. However, the day I attended my very first lecture after the holidays, I saw him and my heart went into instant panic-mode again. 

I still had feelings for him - and I felt pathetic for that very reason. 

It was currently the last lecture of the day, and Mateo was seated right in front of me. Even though in my right mind I knew that it would be better off if I ignored him and stopped worrying about him so much, I found it difficult to do so. Even under these circumstances, I found myself thinking about him and only him. 

I had been searching for an opportunity to start up a conversation with him for the past half an hour or so, but he didn't even glance at me once which made it incredibly difficult. However, I wasn't going to give up so easily. It had been almost a month since we had last spoken or even made brief eye-contact and in all honesty, it was driving me nuts. 

Which was why when I saw him rummage through his pouch to search for a pencil, I jumped at the opportunity and tapped him on the shoulder upon noticing that he had forgotten to bring it with him. He turned around - and he probably hadn't expected to see me from the way his eyes began to widen.

"Do you need a pencil? You can borrow mine," I offered politely, extending the pencil out towards his direction so he could take it from me.

However, he abruptly turned back around and asked the girl sitting next to him for a pencil instead - and just like that, I felt like we were back to being strangers. I sunk back in my seat, feeling ashamed and stupid for even trying to pull something like that. What did I think he would do? Become all friendly with me again? Hah, at this point that was near impossible

That day after my lectures had ended, I walked back to my place. Yes, I had my car and I could've just used it - but Mateo's ideas of saving the environment had stuck with me and now I barely found myself using my car unless it was to travel far distances. 

While walking back to my place, I was about to take the stairs instead of the elevator like usual - however, when I spotted Mateo stroll into the elevator, I changed my mind and decided to follow him so I could hopefully manage to strike up a conversation with him this time at least. Yet, upon making my way there, I did notice a sign on the wall beside the elevator that warned us against using it - saying it could potentially break down at any point because of some faulty wiring. Still, I ignored it. If I die, I die. 

I cleared my throat and sauntered into the elevator like a lost dog. Upon noticing me, he quickly scurried to the other side of the compartment, leaving enough space between the two of us. We stood in silence as the elevator doors slowly shut, and then the awkwardness began. 

Barely a second after I had stepped in, I decided to test my luck.

"Hey," I began after clearing my throat to grab his attention. 

Like I thought, he didn't respond. 

And that was when the stars aligned and the Gods above decided to opt for my team - or maybe they were just speeding up the process of my death. Because right after he had completely disregarded me, what followed was the ear-piercing sound of screeching metal, accompanied by a loud thud

The elevator had come to a complete stop. We were stuck in there together - and we would be stuck in there for God only knows how long. 

I blinked, not surprised by the events that had taken place. But, Mateo on the other hand went on full-panic mode. He began abusing the emergency button as if he were stuck in there with the last person he wanted to see - which, in his case, might apply. 

"Calm down," I snorted. "It's not going to make help arrive faster if you keep pressing it."

Again, he ignored me and began to mutter curse words under his breath. He let his back hit the wall of the elevator and slowly sunk down - and when he was finally sitting, he buried his face in his hands and let out a groan of frustration. 

Oh boy, this was going to be a wild ride.

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