Love is...

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A/n: here's fluff! Thank you for reading💕 I really love the feedbacks I get in this book💕 it motivates me on writing more! Please enjoy reading💕✊

What is love?

Hyunjin: hmm

Felix: uhmm..

As they thought of the answer, some memories flashed through their minds.

It was a sunny sunday, Felix was sitting upside down the couch, reading a book while Hyunjin was playing something ih his guitar.

Hyunjin stopped strumming and looked at Felix.

Then, he started strumming and sang their favorite song.

"Saying I love you
Is not the words I want to hear from you
It's not that I want you
Not to say, but if you only knew
How easy it would be to show me how you feel"

Felix then looked at Hyunjin and smiled.

"More than words is all you have to do to make it real
Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me
'Cause I'd already know"

Felix then closed his book then stood up and walked to Hyunjin.

He smiled, took Hyunjin's guitar and sat on his lap.

They don't know who leaned in, but in the millisecond he sat on the older's lap, their lips were touching.

Felix was the one who pulled out first because he was in need of air. Their foreheads are touching as they smiled at each other.

Hyunjin: maybe finding peace in each other?

Felix: the calmness when we're each other.


"Hello, good evening boys" Yoongi said. "Here's your seat, Jin Hyung's still preparing everything in the kitchen. Settle here first. I'll help Jin hyung"

"Goodevening hyung" Felix enthusiastically said. Hyunjin smiled nervously at Yoongi

Hyunjin pulled a chair for Felix and sat across him.

"What's this for love?" Felix asked. "Am I forgetting something? Its not you birthday, Its waaaay past March. Our anniversary is on december, its only August"

Hyunjin smiled.

"You forgot nothing baby, I just wanted to take you out" He held the younger's hand.

"Here's the food my babies, its your favorites and of course! Yoongi's self made champagne" Jin said.

"Thank you for this hyungs, really" Hyunjin said.

"i gotchu bub" Jin winked.

"So, do you like it?" Hyunjin asked, pointing to the food on the table.

"I love everything you do for me. Like is and understatement" Felix smiled.

Hyunjin: maybe simple dates?

Felix: every suprise dates he does for me.


"Love, pass me the pen please" Felix said.

Hyunjin gave him the pen without looking at him. Both occupied with different works.

Hyunjin, who was on the floor, lied down.

"This is exhausting. Fuck I've been looking at this laptop for 3 hours" He said.

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