Treat You Better

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A/n: random thoughts✊ enjoy reading!💕

Hyunjin's POV

"Meet me at 7/11 later, I'm so hungry." Felix said on the phone.

"Why should I meet you there? Where are you, even?" I asked.

"I'm at Changbin's." He answered.

Oh, the boyfriend.

"why don't you eat with him then? Can't he cook or shit?" I asked, Lighting my cigarette.

Jisung looked at me.

"No, he can't so, can we go to the groceries now?" he asked.

"Lixie, 7/11 ain't a grocery." I teased

"Just go there, hwang, or I'll wet your cigarettes, I swear." He threatened.

"Okay okay, I'm on my way" I said.

"dude we're in the middle of a movie?" Jisung said.

"You and Minho hyung can think of this as a.. Date. You heard lixie."  I said and sighed.

"whipped" Minho hyung yelled

I shrugged and closed the door behind me.

I walked in 7/11 and went to get myself a banana milk. Someone reached for the strawberry milk.

"Hyunjin?" The guy said.


"Hey, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm good, you?" I asked back.

"fine, I'm actually here with Soobinnie" He said.

"New guy?" I teased.

"the only guy. Forever. How about you? Fixed it with your bestfriend already?" He nudged my shoulder.

"Shut up Yeon" I laughed.

"Babe, you got the milk?" Soobin asked. "Oh hey dude"

"hey, stay strong guys" I said.

"Shit I forgot the pasta, Ryujin's gonna kick my ass again" Soobin said.

"Date night?" I asked.

"Yeah, double date with RyEji couple" he smiled. "Imma get the pasta first love"

Soobin then kissed Yeonjun's forehead.

"You know you can come with us, with your boyfriend or special someone" Yeonjun suggested.

"I would love to." I said.

"But, he doesn't have a boyfriend nor a special someone yet." Felix said out of nowhere.

"Oh, hey Felix" Yeonjun said.

"Hello, Hyunjin's Ex." he sarcastically said.

"Calm down lix. Lets go to the supermarket to get what we need then I'll cook for you, okay?" I said then pulled him.

I sent an apologetic smile to Yeonjun and he sent one back.

"I don't get why you still talk to him? He's your ex for fuck's sake." He said while I opened the door of the store for him.

"What do you wanna eat?" I asked. While getting the cart.

"Spaghetti Aglio de Olio" He said with puppy eyes.

I deadpanned looked at him

"Seriously?" I said.

"please?" He pouted.

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