Chapter 1

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I shiver as the cold wind sweep my hair back as I held on to the icy cold metal railings of the Golden Gate bridge.

This is it! I thought to myself, there is no going back.

I inhaled one last time and closed my eyes trying to remember everything that has happened in my entire life.

It's pretty messed up actually.

Everyone thinks that I'm living the perfect life—a successful job at a big hospital, a house all for myself, money comes in easily and of course a prefect boyfriend... Yeah No.


It was supposed to be a relaxation night for me after a long shift at the hospital, you know, warm long bath on essential oils, a bucket of cookies n' cream ice cream, popcorns and a few episode on netflix.

Well.. Not until you walk into your own house hearing moans and grunts from your own room and when you decided to grab a frying pan and barged into the room thinking someone broke into your house but instead came face to face with your perfect boyfriend having sex with your own sister then I guess nope!

No Relaxation night for me!

The look on their faces was priceless mirroring mine and just when you're about to question what is going on you get an emergency call from the hospital so instead of confronting your perfect boyfriend and your sister for their actions you went scrambling back to the hospital to perform an emergency operation on one of the VIP patients.

Still shaken up with what happened back at your own home, you accidentally performed a wrong procedure on the patient which caused a table death which then caused an uproar on the state because you just so happened to fail an operation on the governor resulting to his death and now you are branded as "the fallen angel", "a failure" , "a killer".

And everything you worked hard for, your career, your house, your love, your life... Lost just like that and the next thing you knew you're standing on the Golden Gate Bridge, hanging on for dear life on the railings preparing to end all the misery that you've gone through, all the pain that you've felt, the heartbreak.. Everything.

It's okay I assured myself .

Everything will be over soon.

I kept my eyes closed and counted to 3.


I let go of the railings and felt my body drop waiting for the cold water to hit me and take me away from this life, away from this misery.

Everything will be over soon, no more worries, no more stress, no more

*thud! *

"Ouch! What the actual fu—" I massaged my head from the impact of hitting something hard but stopped in the middle of my cursing when I realized I didn't fell on the water.

No! I fell on a freaking yacht!

A passing yacht!

I didn't even notice the yacht because I decided to close my eyes! How dumb is that?!

"Who are you?!" I flinched at the booming voice behind me and I turned around slowly only to meet face to face with a barrel of a gun aimed directly at my forhead.

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