Chapter 53 : Ending!

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I shiver as the cold wind sweep my hair back as I held on to the icy cold metal railings of the Golden Gate bridge.

This is it! I thought to myself, there is no going back.

I inhaled one last time and closed my eyes trying to remember everything that has happened in my entire life.

It's pretty messed up actually... But it is life.

It's been 3 months since the incident but nothing really ever changed.

We held a small funeral service for Gianna and Constanzo.

After that, the Constanzo famiglia was handed to me.

I am now the doña of both the American and the Italian mafia.

I grew up without the feeling of family, and now I handle 2 of the largest organized crime families in the world.

I opened my eyes again when I felt Achilles' hands slowly wrapped around my waist, hugging me from the back.

"What are you thinking my doña?" he whispered in my ear.

I held his hands that are slowly stroking my swelling stomach.

"Everything," I answered him.

He hummed as a response before he turned me around. We are now facing each other.

"We met here, do you remember?" he asked again as he tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

Of course I remember.

I nodded at him as answer before I slowly caressed my stomach.

"What do you want to name her?" Achilles suddenly asked before he also placed his hand over my belly, feeling our baby.

I offered him a small smile before answering.

"Pilar. Pilar Amora."

I saw a smile slowly formed on his lips.

"Pilar as in Pillar and and Amora as in love?" He raised a brow at me and I nodded.

"She was one of the reasons why we got back together. The Pillar of our love." I explained.

His eyes shined brightly before he dipped his head and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

I unconsciously closed my eyes, feeling the sensation of his lips against mine.

It feels nice.

It feels home.

"I love you, Giselle." he whispered again before he kissed my forehead next.

"And I love you, Achilles." I answered back.

"Achi! Abi!"

We were quick to snap our heads towards Domenico who just called us.

"We got them. They're called Valento, a rising organized crime family. They stole over half of our artillery, " he informed us.

Achilles glanced at me as I glanced at him.

"Are you ready my doña?" he asked before he intertwined our fingers together.

This is it, there's no going back! This is my life now.

I nodded once.

"Yes, I am ready my Don."

He smiled at me before we started marching towards the waiting car that will take us to the enemy that we will defeat together.

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