Chapter 1

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------------------> "WALBURGA!" 

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------------------> "WALBURGA!" 


Sirius watched as the two woman embraced each other. 

"Oh and look how big Sirius has gotten!" Lady Adeline Rosier nee Greengrass gushed over him once the two woman had broken from their hug. "And so handsome too!" 

Sirius smiled at her. "Thank you, Lady Rosier. You look absolutely lovely this evening."

"And such a charmer as well." Adeline cooed, before meeting Walburga's eyes. "You've raised a proper gentleman, 'Buga." 

"Of course, Adele." Walburga replied in a tone that believed that it couldn't be suggested otherwise. She turned her identical grey eyes on him. "Sirius, why don't you go and find Cordelia?" 

"Of course, mother." Sirius replied promptly. "Lady Rosier." He nodded his head respectfully at her and calmly walked out of the room. 

It was only after he was sure that they could not hear him any longer, did he start picking up his pace of speed. He knew exactly where Cora would be. 

It had been four years since he'd first met Cordelia Chrysanthemum Rosier and since then, she'd been his best friend. She was perhaps the only person he had met that shared his views. She was like the annoying big (only be two months) sister he didn't know he had needed. 

The ancestral Rosier castle was huge and built on top of a lake. The property lawns surrounding the castle extended to over six acres. If a person was to walk exactly straight ahead from the kitchen exit of the castle (after crossing the lake) for about five minutes, then they would find a pink ribbon tied to a tree. And if the person turned to the direction of the longer end of the ribbon (left) and walked straight ahead for another three minutes, then they would find another pink ribbon. The person would once again have to turn to the direction of the longer end of the ribbon (left again) and continued along the same path for another seven minutes, then they would reach a cave. And if that person stepped inside the dark cave and continued ahead, they would soon find themselves in a light-filled, vast, spacious, beautiful, fairy-tail like garden with numerous colourful butterflies fluttering their wings above them and a crystal clear lake in the middle.

Cordelia had told him that she and her older brother, Evan, had found the area while playing hide-and-go-seek when they were younger, and had marked the turns with ribbons so they wouldn't forget it. It had been years since Evan had last visited the 'Space', but Sirius knew that Cordelia stayed there for the majority of her time whenever she wanted to avoid certain conversations with her parents and brother. 

Sure enough, there she was.

She had spread a picnic blanket on the grass and was sitting on it and reading a book about the mind arts. There were little finger sandwiches beside her along with a bowl of green grapes and a water bottle. 

Cordelia Rosier and the Proprietorial Portraiture ~ Marauder's Era AUWhere stories live. Discover now