Chapter 12

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------------------> "WE MIGHT BE RUNNING TO THE ROOM, but we still don't know what to look for, Cora!" Sirius yelled in frustration

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------------------> "WE MIGHT BE RUNNING TO THE ROOM, but we still don't know what to look for, Cora!" Sirius yelled in frustration.

"Just think, Sirius." Cordelia said as she ran across the corridors. "If we were Harriet, which item would we use as a conductor?"

"I don't know." Sirius said darkly. "I thought I knew her, we all did."

"Now isn't the time to think of that." Cordelia said. "But you may have a point. We need somebody who actually knows her- without the innocent facade she puts up."

"She is the oldest portrait in the castle, Cora." Sirius reminded her bitterly. "I doubt anybody knew her back when she was alive."

Cordelia stayed silent for a moment, before smirking widely. "Maybe somebody did..." She abruptly stopped in her steps. "Helena!" She screamed on top of her lungs as Sirius clutched his ears. "Helena Ravenclaw! Please... We need your help. Please help us! Helena!" She yelled loudly, her voice echoing off the empty hallways.

"Helena?" Sirius asked, confused. "Who is that?"

"I am." A voice declared regally. The transparent body of a girl -who had certainly been beautiful while she was alive- was seen. "I am Helena Ravenclaw, the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw." She introduced herself, observing them with a bored fascination. "You may know me better as the Grey Lady." She turned to Cordelia. "Why did you call me?" She asked curiously.

"We need your help." Cordelia pleaded- an accusation she would deny if questioned. "Please. Harriet is behind all the attacks. We have less than an hour and thirty six minutes to find the conductor that she used to perform the ritual. We need your help, please..."

Helena stayed silent.

"Not to pressure you, my lady, but we are on a strict time schedule." Sirius pitched in drily.

"Please," Cordelia pleaded. "Please, you can't let them die."

"What do you expect me to do?" Helena asked finally, curiously.

"You are the only one who knows her. Really knows her." Cordelia explained.

"I never interacted with her much." Helena admitted.

"But you still know her more than the two of us, or anybody else for that matter." Cordelia said pointedly. "Please. My friends are dying. You have to help us."

Helena observed Cordelia's face carefully before shifting her eyes to Sirius's face. She gave them a wary smile. "Well, I never liked her much anyway." She shrugged before her eyes became sharp again. "Do you know the location of the conductor?"

Sirius exhaled a breath he didn't know he had been holding and Cordelia looked so relieved that Sirius was afraid for a moment that she would faint.

"It's in the Come and Go Room." Sirius answered.

Helena's lips twisted into a secretive, disgusted smile. "Come." She ordered. "I know what it might be."

Cordelia Rosier and the Proprietorial Portraiture ~ Marauder's Era AUWhere stories live. Discover now