Chapter 9

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------------------> ON JANUARY THE FIFTH, CORDELIA once again bade her parents and older brother goodbye as she hopped onto the Hogwarts Express

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------------------> ON JANUARY THE FIFTH, CORDELIA once again bade her parents and older brother goodbye as she hopped onto the Hogwarts Express. 

Sophia was waiting for her outside a compartment, and the two girls embraced each other before excitedly talking about their respective holidays before they were happily joined by the rest of their classmates.

At that moment, as Sophia and Cordelia complained to each other how Olivia hadn't written to them the past week, they couldn't have known what tragedy awaited them at Hogwarts. 

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"Olivia?" Cordelia said, eyes wide with shock and disbelief. Sophia broke down into tears.

Olivia Blake's unmoving body laid on a white hospital bed. Her eyes were blissfully close, completely unaware of her surroundings. She looked so peaceful, it was scary.

"Wh-What happened to her?" Cordelia chocked out to Professor Sprout who was looking at her and Sophia sympathetically. A tear escaped her eye. "How did this happen? Will she be alright?" 

"I am so sorry, Miss Rosier and Miss Abbot." Professor Sprout said. "But we don't know what caused this to happen to Miss Blake or the others," 

"Others?" Sophia asked, seeing as Cordelia's eyes were fixated upon Olivia's face.

Professor Sprout nodded sadly, eyes showing pain. "Every single Hufflepuff who had stayed over for the holidays are currently in this very hospital wing." 

"Every single one of them?" Sophia asked, shocked. "Only Hufflepuffs." 

Professor Sprout looked ready to cry as she nodded once again. "Yes, only Hufflepuffs. The other three houses are completely fine." 

"Do you think somebody is targeting us?" Cordelia asked.

"I don't know, Miss Rosier. But I sincerely hope not." Professor Sprout said tiredly. "Both of you go back to the Common Room now and stay safe, alright?" 

Sophia nodded and slowly pulled Cordelia with her as she started to walk out the hospital wing.

"Professor?" Cordelia said, just before they exited the room. "Do you think she -they- will wake up?" 

Professor Sprout gave her a pained, tight smile in reply. After sneaking one last glance at Olivia, Cordelia Rosier and Sophia Abbot left.

------> 0o0 <------

The usually cheerful and buzzing atmosphere of the Hufflepuff Common Room now held no difference to that of a funeral home. All the Hufflepuffs who had come back to Hogwarts after the holidays had been given the news that all their friends and classmates who had stayed over, were now in a magical coma.

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