Chapter 6

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------------------> A LITTLE AFTER MIDNIGHT on the twelfth of October, Cordelia Rosier found herself levitating the sleeping body of Sophia Abbot slowly to the Common Room from their dorm

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------------------> A LITTLE AFTER MIDNIGHT on the twelfth of October, Cordelia Rosier found herself levitating the sleeping body of Sophia Abbot slowly to the Common Room from their dorm.

Hufflepuff's took birthday's very seriously and she had already attended about four birthday party traditions until now at Hogwarts.

Amelia Bones helped her seat the still-sleeping Sophia Abbot on a chair while her older brother, Samuel Abbot lit the candles on the very large chocolate cake. 

It was decided that Harriet should have the utmost pleasure of waking the birthday girl up, since she wouldn't be bodily injured in anyway upon doing so (considering she was a portrait and already dead)- a move that was vehemently pushed forward by Cordelia Rosier, Olivia Blake and Samuel Abbot, all three of them having experienced the dire consequences of waking Sophia Abbot personally.

Harriet looked very excited for being able to participate and screamed loudly into the ears of Sophia until she woke up angrily. The anger soon became surprised and fond embarrassment when every single one of her house-mates shouted "Happy birthday!"

The rest of the events were a bit of a blur. They made Sophia wear a paper-crown and a stash that said 'Birthday Princess' and they all sang the happy birthday song as she made a wish, blew out the candles and then cut the cake. 

Troy had grinned and proceeded to dunk Sophia's face into the birthday cake, which in turn made the girl give him a honeyed smile before proceeding to chase him around the Common Room while throwing bits of cake on him, much to the great entertainment of everybody else.

After that, they brought more food and drinks from the kitchen -sort of like a very early breakfast or midnight dinner- and then they had a little dance party with some people singing and others trying making music using common items like qills and walls.

They slept again sometime between four to five in the morning, and that was only because Callum Withrome-Scott, the Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain and resident star Chaser, had yelled loudly that they had better get in how much ever sleep they could, because he was still going to wake the Quidditch team players and the reserves up seven for practise, making the mentioned members curse and groan before heading off to bed. Amos Diggory, who was also the keeper of the team, had quickly ushered all the third years and below back into their dorms before falling asleep on one of the sofa's in the Common Room.

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The days went on sadly uneventful. Classes went on as usual. The only highlighters were that they celebrated Olivia's birthday on the first of November grandly (it had somehow ended up as a food fight and not even Harriet was spared- having had a smear on her canvas) and later, they also celebrated Sirius's birthday with much enthusiasm. 

James and Cordelia collaborated on a gift and gave him a dart-set that had a picture of a screaming Walburga Black in the middle. One hundred points if you get one of her nostrils, fifty points if you get one of her eyes and twenty five points if you get her gapping mouth. Sirius declared that it was the best present he had gotten with a grin on his face.

Cordelia Rosier and the Proprietorial Portraiture ~ Marauder's Era AUWhere stories live. Discover now