Chapter 8

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------------------> "HELLO CALLUM," Sophia said, making the boy jump up and immediately try to cover his book- the same that he always seemed to keep reading

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------------------> "HELLO CALLUM," Sophia said, making the boy jump up and immediately try to cover his book- the same that he always seemed to keep reading.

"Um- hello. Sophia, right?" Callum Withrome-Scott asked, hiding his book by placing pieces of parchment on it. "And I know you from the yearly Ministry ball- Cordelia Rosier, I assume?" Upon her nod and smile, he continued. "It's a pleasure to meet you," He said before his eyebrows furrowed at the third girl. "And I'm not quite sure I know you. Sorry." 

"No worries," Olivia said waving him off. "I'm Olivia Blake." 

"Pleasure," He smiled. "So, what can I do for you, girls?" 

"Nothing, really. It's just that we haven't gotten a chance to say it yet and it's been a month today, I believe, but still- better late than never, you know?" 

Sensing that Sophia was about to start rambling, Cordelia took over. "Congratulations on winning the Quidditch game against Ravenclaw. You played spectacularly well." 

Callum blushed lightly. "Thank you." 

"Do you want to play professional after graduation?" Olivia asked curiously. "Because I honestly love your parents. I have posters of your mother in my room. She's a role model of mine..." 

Callum chuckled. "I'm sure she'll be happy to hear that. She has a wager against my dad about who has more fans. In fact I can get an autograph for you, if you'd like?" 

"Really?" Olivia asked excitedly, her eyes shining.

"Yeah, sure. It's no problem." Callum replied, smiling. "And as for your other question, no, actually. I won't be following in the footsteps of my parents. I plan on becoming a ward master."

That caught Cordelia's interests. "That's amazing! Have you started preparing for it already? Have you found a Master?" 

"Slow down, Miss Rosier," Callum chuckled. "But in answer to your questions, no, I haven't found a Master yet, but then again, I am in my sixth year so I still have another year to go. But, I have been reading up on some wards. Defensive ones, of course..."

"What kind? Protection or security?" She asked.

"Wait-" Sophia interrupted, eyebrows frowned. "What's the difference?" 

"Security basically means the types of wards you have going around your house. Protection is more complicated. There are some dark rituals, curses, hexes, runes and such that can only be countered using wards. That's what we term as Protection wards." Callum explained.

"That sounds interesting." Sophia said.

"That's because it is." Cordelia replied.

"Does that mean that you have to know about all these runes and rituals and stuff in order to counter them?" Olivia asked.

Cordelia Rosier and the Proprietorial Portraiture ~ Marauder's Era AUWhere stories live. Discover now