Chapter 10

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------------------> CORDELIA WAS NOT PREPARED for how her parents were going to act when they heard about how Hufflepuff's were falling into self-induced magical comas when she went home for the Easter Holidays on the twelfth of April

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------------------> CORDELIA WAS NOT PREPARED for how her parents were going to act when they heard about how Hufflepuff's were falling into self-induced magical comas when she went home for the Easter Holidays on the twelfth of April.

While she herself, hadn't exactly informed her parents about the current events at Hogwarts in hopes to avoid the current conversation she was having, she had underestimated how much fellow pureblood parents trade gossip and exchange information about Hogwarts. 

Her parents had been throughly updated on the present situation of how only Hufflepuffs were falling ill under mistaken circumstances and were quite worried about her well-being. While she felt touched by their concerned, there was only so many hours she could be seated on the sofa and hear her parents rant and rave before she felt bored. 

Her only saving grace was that Evan wasn't there to lecture her at the moment, as he was in the final stages of finally completing his transfiguration mastery. She couldn't bear the thought of him being in distress because of her.

Lord and Lady Rosier had spent three hours discussing over how Dumbledore was unfit to be the Headmaster of a school and how he should be removed immediately and another three hours debating the pro's and con's of Cordelia going back to Hogwarts since she was so clearly in danger there.

Every time Cordelia had attempted to interject her voice into the situation, her parents would look at her softly and tell her that "Everything is going to be perfectly alright, darling. We'll take care of it." 

She guessed that what made her slightly over-protective parents even more agitated was the facts that not only was the person who was doing this not discriminating based on blood (which meant that their precious pure daughter wasn't safe) but the person was also targeting only Hufflepuffs, which their daughter happened to be.

She had heard her father blame himself at least forty times in the conversation with her mother about how he should have refused to let her go to Hufflepuff and asked her to go to Slytherin instead, then they wouldn't have to worry about all this, but his lovely, cunning, little girl had somehow managed to convince him to let her go to the badger's den.

Cordelia felt awful for making her parents feel this way.  Every time her father blamed himself, it felt like a crucio het her soul. She hugged him tightly, never once letting go until the end of her parents talk. 

The twelve-days long Easter vacations were painfully long for her

Her mother kept shooting her concerned glances every time she so much as blinked and even took her to at least ten healers to make sure she was perfectly healthy; while her father made sure to spend lots of time with her and taught her many defensive, offensive and healing spells, just in case. Cordelia, on the other hand, spent the whole vacation trying to convince her parents to let her return to Hogwarts, "There is only a few months left, father and I can't leave my friends alone, mother". 

Thankfully, she had inherited her mother's unyielding stubbornness and her father's silver tongue and after much pleading, crying and begging, she had been given the permission to return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

------> 0o0 <------

Each day after returning from the Easter holidays, the population of Hufflepuff grew lesser and lesser. 

Troy Rogers was the first to fall among the first year boys, and Evelyn Marchbanks fell a little after. Like a chain effect, everybody seemed to fall.

The Hufflepuff Common Room grew unusually quiet and there were no more fights on who should get the armchair now. The Hufflepuffs themselves were resigned as they awaited the inevitable.

Sophia had burst into tears when Professor Sprout had told her that Samuel was in the coma and three days later, Cordelia had done the same action when she was told the news that Sophia herself had fallen into a coma.

Nearly a month later, and there were only scant Hufflepuffs still standing. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter became her self-proclaimed bodyguards and shadowed her whenever they could.

Cordelia couldn't understand- why was this happening? Who was doing this to them?

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