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    By the time school came around, everyone had heard that Nora and Mason were on the outs. One con of living in a small town was that news traveled fast. In fact, Mason had already seen with the girl from the party and everyone and their mother had already heard about it. Nora was doing her best to pretend she wasn't hurt by it, especially since Will was avoiding her like the plague. However, she did still have her girls which she was thankful for. As of a recent development, she now had Edison on her side, too. That fact was probably the least expected to come out of everything. However, unexpected certainly did not mean unlucky. Last night meant something to Nora, she just wasn't sure what that thing was.

    "You know, I usually just say men are trash as a joke, but today, I mean it," Kristen sighed as she twirled a piece of hair around her finger with her other arm slung around Amarie. Nora envied them more than ever.

    "I just wish everyone would stop talking about it. People I've never talked to in my life are coming up to me and asking if I'm okay. Like, my boyfriend cheated on me, it's not like my dog died or some shit. Life goes on," Nora groaned in frustration as she slammed her locker shut. "I'm not gonna sit here and cry over some dumb boy I'm not that fragile. I mean, I kinda am, but not in public!"

    Amarie shrugged, "I mean, it's a dumb boy you spent a year of your life with. That's gotta be rough, how are you in such good spirits right now?"

    "I had some help along the way," the blonde mused as they walked down the hall. As they were walking towards their English classroom, Nora saw Edison walking in. "Speaking of, hey, Eddie!"

    Kristen and Amarie looked at each other, questioning in unison, "Eddie?"

    Edison turned before walking into the classroom and smiled at the blond, giving her a quick fist bump before retreating to the back of the classroom with a small smile on her face. This caused multiple onlookers to have to pick up their jaws from the floor as Edison was infamous for her resting bitch face yet here she was, smiling for everyone to see. Granted, it was small and brief, but it was horrendously out of character for the girl. It's almost like people forgot even shy people could have a personality.

    "Since when are you two best buds?" Amarie questioned as the three settled into the front three desks like every day before then.

    Nora just shrugged, brushing them off. "We're really not, she just gave me a ride last night after the whole fiasco. You guys were all wasted so."

    "Sorry about that," Kristen looked almost ashamed, her eyes avoiding her, "If I could have driven you without putting a million people in danger, you know I would have."

    "I wasn't!" Amarie said with conviction, "I would have totally given you a ride if you asked, I just lost sight of you after... everything went down. Sorry, Nor."

    The girl giggled at this, knowing her best friend was absolutely telling the truth. "Oh, I know and I'm glad you didn't. Upset or not upset, I am not letting someone drunk drive me home. No, no I'm glad things worked out the way they did, I really am. I mean, I could have gone without the entire school knowing he cheated on me, but what's done is done. And it's okay, Amarie, I did kinda run away from everyone. I wasn't really in the mood for talking after that debacle. Edison just... understood that."

    "I wish I could have that attitude," Amarie sighed, "Kris, if you cheated on me I would mope about it for weeks. I'm talking weeping in the school hallways. I'm glad you at least have a new friend out of it. Even if she's... a little odd."

    "Good thing I plan on doing nothing of the sort. Also, I'm with her on the glad part, but she's not joining the group. Call me a gatekeeper, I don't care!" her girlfriend giggled as she pressed a kiss to her cheek. It wasn't that Nora hated her friends for being happy, it was simply in that moment that she felt so utterly alone. For just a moment as she felt this, her head whipped around and her eyes met Edison's in the back of the room. A small smile found its way onto her face as she saw the dark haired girl. Once Edison smiled back, Nora turned back around. That moment in time was over, sure, but it made her feel much better in the span of just a few seconds. Maybe something good was going to come out of Edison. She could only hope at this point.

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