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    "Ugh, is it stupid prom season already?" Kristen remarked as the three of them walked the halls first thing that morning. The posters had been put up on the walls overnight and Nora was dreading the thought of a high school dance without Mason by her side. Despite Nora's lack of sleep, she was remarkably more energetic than she thought she was going to be, but that's accredited to the cold brew she picked up on the way to school.

    "Oh, hush, babe, you know I like that stuff," Amarie teased, pushing her girlfriend gently and giggling as she did so. "Nora, I heard from a little birdy in ASB that you're on the ballot for prom queen."

    Nora rolled her eyes and mimicked gagging, "I do not need to be prom queen, my life is cliche enough as is. Besides, people are only gonna vote for me because they feel bad about my boyfriend cheating on me with some college chick."

    "Speak of the devil," the redhead did the same gagging motion Nora had just done when prom queen was mentioned, except this time it was directed towards a formerly-cute boy who now had a very bruised nose with a brace on it. "I can't believe she broke his nose. I... I may have my opinions about Edison, but that was badass, I won't lie."

    Amarie scoffed, pulling her curls back into a messy ponytail, stealing the scrunchie off of Kristen's wrist to do so, as they walked. "It's more unbelievable that his spoiled, washed-up football player self didn't hire a lawyer with daddy's money and press charges."

    The way they spoke about Mason now admittedly worried Nora. She knew that they all knew now that he was an awful person and an even worse boyfriend, but she was petrified of the idea that her two best friends had always disliked him just never voiced it for Nora's sake. When Mason and Nora were still together, they adored him. Nora in no way thought her best friends were liars, but she couldn't get the thought out of his head.

    Nora pushed these thoughts to the side and shrugged. "If he gets in a fight, he'll lose his scholarship. His dad probably wanted to keep things quiet so he can send his ass to Notre Dame instead of losing the chance of a lifetime because he's an asshole. Or his dad just didn't care enough to pursue it."

    "I forgot you, like, know a lot about his family," Kristen sighed as they walked past Mason without a second glance, "Do you miss them?"

    "I don't know," she was ill prepared for such a question, but she still did her best to explain, "I mean, his dad was kind of a dick to him, probably still is. He never really bothered me, though. I miss his mom, though. She was always so sweet. Things got a lot worse after her accident. I'm glad she can't see what her son became."

    Amarie looked shocked by this, placing a hand gently on her best friend's arm, "Woah, Nor, that's kinda dark. You feelin' okay?"

    "I'm fine," Nora sighed, turning around for just a moment to catch sight of the boy at his locker. Their eyes met for a moment before she turned back around. "I just wish things had gone differently with the two of us. We had something good, but it was fucked the moment he told me we should go to that party. Maybe it was fucked before that, I don't know. All I know is that it's over and I deserve better than a boy who cheats on me the second he gets drunk."

    "That's the attitude!" Kristen reassured, but her tone quickly became serious, "but, seriously, Nora, if you need to talk about anything, we're here. You know that, right?"

    Nora simply laughed, "Of course, I know that, I already tell you guys everything. Speaking of telling you guys everything, Eloise is back in town for the week and she misses you guys so... sleepover at mine at some point before she leaves, okay?"

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