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It was hot, and he was naked. Common occurrences in the Kim-Jeon household; he knew this of course, as he made up the Kim section of it.

Blankets hanging off his torso, skin coated in sweat, hand still covered in bits of paint that he hadn't gotten the chance to wash off before his boyfriend had come storming into their shared apartment- his muscle tank sheer and his mood tense.

Taehyung had offered to help with that of course, feeling playful in that moment. Of course- his boyfriends visible abs and sleeves of shining tattoos always helped to lift his mood. Not to mention the black hoop decorating Jungkook's chest- his peck's almost bursting through the thin material even without the aid of the jewelry. It was a mouth watering sight, sweaty boyfriend, hair pulled back out of his eyes and anger painted across his features.

But now the same man sat next to him, wiping the mess off of their bodies with a warm rag, scowl replaced with a soft smile as he leaned over Tae, pressing a warm kiss to his forehead that left butterflies in the older man's chest.

Five years of dating, one year of living together, and over twenty years of friendship later and Jungkook still never ceased to knock the wind out of him with how amazing he could be. How caring.

He shuffled around under his cave of covers, JK pulling away and chucking the messy rag at their wall before holding a baggy T-shirt of his up over Taehyung's head.

"No~" Taehyung whined, silently cursing his boyfriend for making him get dressed when the younger knew he didn't like to be restrained by fabric right after sex. It made his skin burn.

"Koo, no please! It isn't that cold outside!" Their walls were thin, and their heater was broken at the moment. Jungkook had even started to wear his hoodies to bed at night.

"Taeby, I understand you don't like it, but it's too cold, you'll get sick, please?" the younger man held open the shirt again. "You know I wouldn't make you unless I had to."

Tae sighed, eyes locking with Kook's. He wanted to protest more, he really did- but everytime he saw that look of concern in his baby's eyes his bratty resolve broke.

If Jungkook wanted him to behave, he would.

So with a grunt, he stuck his arms through the sleeve, material instantly making him itch as his boyfriend pulled it down his back to rest at his hips. At least it was Jungkook's shirt and not his own- he silently thanked the man for taking his clinginess into consideration.

"There." He sighed, scratching his upper arm, "Happy?"

"I'm guessing asking you to put pants on would be a stretch?" Jungkook laughed, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Go put on Bill and Ted before I smack you." Tae dead panned, pulling a soft green blanket right up to his chin, "But hurry because I want cuddles."

"But that movie is so inaccurate!" Jungkook whined as he stood up. "That is not even close to what the tunnels look like- they are more pastel blue than royal blue- I would think you of all people would know that."

"We've seen it sixteen time's and that the only argument you present- and it pretty fucking close to accurate, so put on my movie and come cuddle so we can talk about why you came home all upset."

Jungkook just smiled lightly before walking over to the T.V. in the bedroom, the VCRs lining the sides of the stand. "The first one, I presume?"

Taehyung nodded, burying his face into his pillow as his boyfriend set the movie up. It was only a few years old, but Taehyung knew the script by heart- having watched it for the first time with Yoongi and Hoseok one summer night when the three men had all gotten stuck home alone together. Hoseok dead ass assumed he was tripping- claiming that there is no way in hell a movie that had been released in nineteen eighty nine was an exact copy of the situation they had found themselves in a few years prior. Yoongi disappeared thirty minutes in claiming he needed a drink.

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