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He doesn't know what he had been expecting to happen when he told Jungkook his idea, but it definitely wasn't this. Maybe a little argument, some sweet talking and then some love making- not sex, no it would have more emotion. To many raw feelings.

See, Taehyung had finally made it- he was finally here. His and Jungkook's collection had blown up, a clothing spin off being made based around it and now they had it all. A penthouse apartment, in house office, maid, chain stores and personal assistants for work. They made their own hours, treated one another to dinners and luxury brands. Bought gifts for their friends, lived comfortably with one another and slept on silk sheets. Tae, personally, was on cloud nine. He was the happiest he'd ever been, living the expensive life he'd been craving for years. Wrapping himself in silk robes at night and drinking lavish teas whilst Jungkook held him close.

Jungkook, though, wreaked of miserability as though he'd started using it for his new cologne. He'd come home worn and tired. Fingers calloused, eye's bloodshot. Patience shot. A past time he used to love now kept him up at night, Tae waking up to an empty bed in early hours of the morning to be met with the noises of their coffee pot running from the kitchen. Week's passed, and then months, and even though Jungkook made his own hours, sometimes with Tae and his Vante models, he never seemed to get any happier. Giggly movie nights turned into silent cuddling, dinner dates became fewer and fewer, and Jungkook spent all his free time at the gym- the only place he could properly think as he had told Tae once. And Taehyung blames himself. Kook had gone to art school for him. Jungkook worked his ass off for him. Everything that man did he did for Tae, and they were finally in a financial place where Taehyung could step in and stop it.

So Tae's plan had been to have a nice dinner with him, and then after they had relaxed a bit, moved to the couch with half drunk cups of wine, he'd tell Jungkook how he wanted the younger to go back to school to do something that he enjoyed. Anything he wanted- something that was his passion. Tae would tell him to quit work, and that Taehyung would pay for what scholarships wouldn't.

His excitement hadn't been worth the tears streaming down his face. Knees useless under him, crumpled body staring at their front door from inside their otherwise empty apartment.

"What?" Jungkook had choked on his drink, eyebrows shooting up past his bangs, "Taeby- no. No I can't, it's your money- I can't."

"It's our money." Tae had said- eyes locking with the youngers. He meant what he said, he wanted Jungkook to do it. But his boyfriend had always been a stubborn shit.

"Taehyung it's your money- I'm not letting you pay for me like some- some, sugar daddy or something."

Taehyung doesn't know how long he'd tried to talk Jungkook into it before the younger has suddenly lost his paticentice- slamming his empty glass against the coffee table suddenly and making them both jump a bit.

"I- said- no, Taehyung." He snapped, voice deeper than it had been in a while.

Taehyung was angry by then too, but it was out of pure frustration, "Why!" he had borderline screamed, "You do everything for me and I can't do a single thing for you without it hurting your fragile ass masculinity?"

"Well I'm sorry I want to fucking take care of us and not risk the only stable career here because I'm some pussy who needs to be taken care of!" The man had yelled back, vein in his neck throbbing. Not a glint of remorse in his eyes.

Taehyung had frozen at that, in a tense silence. So many things had passed through his head in that moment that certain parts of the conversation had gone blank. He knows he yelled, again- this time about how Jungkook didn't think his career was stable enough to last. That's when the tears had started to fall from his eyes, Jungkook not caring about them in the slightest. In fact it seemed that they had only made it worse.

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