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Jungkook was home late, for the fourth time this week. He felt horrible. Taehyung had stayed up for him the first night, then the second- but when he got home that third night the older boy had fallen asleep- dinner sat on the stove for him, pajamas folded in the bathroom.

He knew Tae was needy, he knew Tae hated sleeping in their apartment all alone- He knew.

Work was work, he'd repeat to himself as he pushed open their front door. Camera bag heavy on his back, he stepped inside.

It started out normal. The kitchen was relatively clean- essentially in the same way he left it that morning, only this time a wine bottle and two glasses littered the countertop. Jungkook smiled at first, tossing the bag to his usual spot on the floor. He figured this was Taehyung's way of trying to be a little romantic- but then he noticed it. They had both had remnants of wine in it.

Jimin. It wasn't the first time he had come home to see Taehyung and Jimin drinking over a bottle of wine, chatting like newly wed wives about their husbands. So Jungkook sighed, figuring the boy had gone home or was crashing in their guest room- or was with Tae sleeping in their bed- which would mean Jungkook would have to sleep in the guest room.

But then, he heard it. The sound of laughter trailing from the hall. Taehyung's- he knew it all too well. Jimin's- when the two mixed, it was distinct. And... Yoongi's?

"Babe?" he called, starting his way down the hall. "Babe what are you up to- What the fuck."

He pushed the door open, revealing a sight he didn't think he would ever see. Taehyung was sat on the bed upside down, his head resting against the floor. Jimin was there too- as expected. Only he was sitting in the hammock Jungkook had recently installed. What he expected but hated to admit he expected- was Yoongi- curled up in the white cloth with the younger boy.

Now, normally that would be a pretty domestic encounter. But what switched it up a little was the bottles that littered the floor- mixtures of a few Moscatos, soju, and beer cans. Jungkook was floored. He had never seen three people drink that much- and it honestly worried him.

"Uh... Tae?"

The boy shot up- or tried to, but due to his position he just fell tumbling to the floor- broken giggles slipping from his lips. He laid on the floor a little dazed- nothing but one of Jungkook's big zip up hoodies and a pair of boxer briefs.

Yoongi laughed- burying his face in Jimin's hair- "Tae~" he whined, "Bub you forgot about the floor!"

"Kookie!" Jimin called, his voice a higher pitch and his words slurred as he held up a cup. "Welcome back!"

Jungkook was terrified. He had seen Taehyung drunk before, and Jimin before, but Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi all drunk in a room together? And Jungkook is sober? That sounds like a hellstorm brewing.

"Taeby," Jungkook sighed, moving to help Tae up. "Tae, what are you doing?"

"Got sad- so I called Jiminie to make me feel better!" Taehyung smiled, pressing himself closer to Jungkook once he had been lifted off the floor- his weight being completely handed over to him, "Yoonie was gonna make sure I was okay too but then he also got sad!"

As if to back Tae up, Yoongi kicked at the air, "Yea!" he grunted with pout, "My boss is so fucking mean."

Jungkook was astonished. How? Just how? And why? Why him?

"Um... you two should probably get to sleep, yeah?" Jungkook nodded at the other couple. "You need me to set up the guest room?"

"Yoonie~" Jimin laughed drunkenly. Turning and tracing Yoongi's jaw with his free hand. "I don't wanna sleep~"

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