A Family Come true

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Sunlight creeping through the window made me squint my eyes and wake up. The first sight I saw was a red headed person breathing slowly on my chest. She looked beautiful while she was asleep. I noticed that we fell asleep on the floor together. I felt her move against my chest, I looked down at her to meet her emerald eyes.

 "Morning" I said. "Morning"she replied."I can't believe we're gonna meet him today."I smiled at the thought of meeting him."So, lets get ready, I think we should go to Diagon Alley. We have to look cool, after all we're parents of the famous Harry Potter" I said with a smirk, putting the emphasis on famous.

 She couldn't help but smiled as well. She got to her feet and offered a hand to me saying "So lets go then?"

We had breakfast at Hogs Head and Disapparated to Diagon Alley we went to Madam Malkins and got ourselves Dress robes."Hogwarts here we come" I said before taking her arm and disapparating  us to Hogwarts. 

We walk holding onto each other's arm for support as neither can hold their excitement. As we are close to Dumbledore's office we hear someone is inside so we decide to hide behind the door. "I am sorry" Dumbledore said. "I told you, I told you he was innocent. I.told,you he'd never do that."Remus. Its Remus, I think he is talking about Sirius. I look at Lily, she looks at me reflecting my shock on her face.

"He had to spend 12 years in Azkaban, and you let that happen, Harry had to live with the Dursley's and. You.Let.That.Happen....... I.Quit."

And there was a bang on the table."I understand you are very angry at me and it is right for you to do so. As you had told me to investigate before turning Sirius in. But I want you to  meet some people. This might come as a shock to you, so I'd request you to give me your wand, to avoid actions you might regret later." Dumbledore said.

Remus must've agreed because the next thing we heard was "come in" Lily slowly opens the door. Remus' jaw drops as he sees us. "Its not possible, WHO ARE YOU?" he says the last part literally shouting. "Moony,mate calm down its really us. I  mean we've convinced Dumbledore with the truth potion.." I said but was interrupted by Lily "Veritaserum, James""Yeah whatever"I grumble, which made Moony smile, but he again went back to being stern and not believing us.

"If you really are James then you know what to do."He said and I did know what to do. I smiled and turned into my animagus form(a red stag) and back. The moment I turned back I was tackled in a hug by Remus. "What bout me,my best friend and husband are abandoning me"Lily said with a dramatic sigh.

"I can see Sirius is rubbing off on you."Remus said with an amused smile. "Hey, I'm offended" Came a voice from  behind, I instantly knew who it was. I abruptly turned my head around to find my best friend standing there, grinning like a maniac, his arms spread wide open for a hug.

 I instantly took Sirius in a brotherly hug. "I am sorry Prongs" he whispered in my ear, and I could have sworn I felt tears fall on my shoulders.

"I could have saved you all but I failed. I am a terrible friend and worse godfather. I am so sor...""shut up, you're the my brother(so I don't give a damn about how bad you're as a best friend)"I interrupt him. 

"And you are an awesome godfather, you gave him a broom and as you say you have amazing hair" We both laugh at this and motion towards Lily and Remus to join the hug, and they do

"We're sorry Remus, we all are for ever thinking that you can ever betray us."Lily whispers in the hug. "Oh come on not your fault. Werewolves are not very trustworthy"He says. "No, that still doesn't matter to us, it was just the circumstances that made us believe."

"Okay now are we done apologizing?" I ask jokingly with a dramatic sigh. They all punch me lightly but I gotta say their punch all together did hurt.

We never wanted that moment to end, but like each one it did when we heard someone clear their throat behind us. We all turned around to see....oh god we almost forgot that Dumbledore was still here.Now that he had all the attention in the room, he cleared his throat again and continued.

"I didn't mean to interrupt this moment of yours...." "but you did" me and Sirius said in unison receiving a death glare from both Lily and Remus, Dumbledore just chuckled. "sorry" I muttered "yeah sorry" Sirius said.

Now that all the attention was back to him Dumbledore continued "I am sorry to interruption, but I can assure its worth it. Well it is time to meet Harry, if you all are ready." A smile creeps through my face I could see Lily, Remus and Sirius reflecting the same smile. 

We're gonna meet Harry, several questions run through my mind. How does he look? Is he a nerd or a prankster? Does he have any friends? Does he..........Does he want to meet us? 

No matter the how much time he needs to get comfortable with us, to start a life with us we'll give him. It'll be a family come true.

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