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Sirius's POV

Finally! Harry can get a proper family like I promised him, actually even better. One he could never even have imagined. I can't wait to properly meet him. Our last meeting wasn't like I wanted it to be. 

It was short, and he thought I sold off his parents to Voldemort, Remus turning into a werewolf, me getting caught again and escaping yet again. Now I can properly introduce myself to him, and we can live like a family again.

Lily's POV

Harry, we're going to see our son after 12 years. I look around the room to find everyone as exited as me. We can all live together as a family. This when my insecurities come back to me. Will he want to? But I'll not give up yet, we haven't even met him. 

There is a knock at the door which made everyone jump. Harry. "I would like you to be out of his view until I ask you to come out, to prevent damages. Remus and Sirius can stay, " Dumbledore said. Following his order, I caste disillusionment Charm on both of us. 

"Enter" said Dumbledore. The door flung open to reveal a Harry. He looked exactly like James when he was his age. But he sure has got my eyes.He looks kind of tired, but then he was at the hospital wing. Harry came in and hugged Sirius and then Remus. I smiled at this maybe he'll accept us as well. I glace at James to see his typical James potter smirk on his face.

"Harry, I would like you to meet some more people. It might come as a shock to you but trust me we have all checked but you are free to do that yourself. Now, before I call them, I would like you to hand me your wand to avoid damages that you might later regret," Dumbledore said.

Harry nodded in understanding and did as Dumbledore asked him to do. Thank god, if it was James he would have had a snide comment ready, and it would have been hours until he gave in and did as he was asked to. Thank god Harry is not like James in nature, but I can not judge him, just not as I know little about him now.

Dumbledore lifted the charm off me and James with one swift motion of his wand. Harry just stood there bewildered, lost for words. "WHAT KIND OF SICK JOKE IS THIS?!" he yelled. The guys gave me a look I pretended to ignore it but I knew what it said 'he's got your temper.'

If the situation wasn't very serious, then I would have laughed. 

"Harry, I know this is an enormous shock for you but it is really us," I said "Is there anything we can do to make you believe."  And the next thing I knew was him pulling me and James in a rib-cracking hug. "I missed you," I heard Harry whisper to us "We missed you too." 

James and I whispered back in unison. James half pulled out of the hug to gesture Sirius and Remus to join the hug as well, and they did. A complete family hug. If you had the power to stop time, now would be perfect.

We all pulled out of the hug, all grinning like maniacs. I noticed that Dumbledore was smiling too. He thought that we have had our time, so he spoke again. "Now, I'm afraid Harry will have to return to his classes and the others can stay in Hogsmede but before that we need to clear off Sirius' name" He said and Handed Harry and Remus his wand back.

With that, we all left the room. Once outside the Griffin that lead to his office, Harry left for his class and we all left for Hogsmeade. We were walking on the paths of Hogsmeade when we heard a crash; we looked around to find only a mouse.Wait a. MOUSE. he looked so much like Peter. The mouse was staring at us and we were at him.

 After a few moments of this awkward situation, the mouse changed its appearance to form our once a best friend:

 After a few moments of this awkward situation, the mouse changed its appearance to form our once a best friend:

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             Peter Pettigrew.

We all gave him angry glares, and Sirius and Remus were so ready to pound on him but I stopped them "He came to us on his own will, he at-least have time to explain himself" I said. Rather hesitantly but they all nodded in agreement. And looked at Peter as if telling him to talk.

Peter took a deep breath and explains things to us" I know that the night Lily and James were murdered, Sirius was supposed to be your secret keeper. But you thought it was very obvious, so you changed it to me, or who you thought was me." 

We all looked at him curiously. What's does that mean 'who we thought was him' ? But I couldn't help but feel that there is a slight chance that Peter never betrayed us. Maybe he was loyal to us. Peter took another deep breath and continued.

"It wasn't me who you made your secret keeper. A death eater captured me a week before it happened. And could go after You Know Who's downfall. The first thing I heard was James and Lily's death and that Sirius sold them away to You Know Who. That day when you, Sirius, came to kill me, I actually was under the assumption you had killed them. The night you found me again at Hogwarts, I finally got to know the truth from you and I think the death eater impersonated himself as me. And don't worry I really am not expecting you to accept this or forgive me I deserve to be punished and here I am hand me to the ministry. Send me off to Azkaban. "

We all shared a look asking the same question 'should we forgive him?' .  And then we all turned to Dumbledore. He just said, "I'll leave that up to you. But I have a bit of Veritaserum left." We all nodded, and I took the potion from him.

 Before giving him to Peter I whispered so that only he could hear me "We trust you Peter but we have to be really sure about this" He nodded in understanding. 

I gave him the potion, and he suddenly became unusually still. 

"Were you or were you not our secret keeper," James asked

We all looked at him impatiently, waiting for his answer.

"No" He said, and it cleared all the doubts we had and Peter was pulled into a massive hug by the guys, after a few seconds they all half pulled out of the hug and Sirius looked at me and shaking his head and said "Oh common now there, Lilyflower"

And so I did we all shared a hug and pulled after what felt like eternity but was surely a few minutes.

"Lets go to the ministry and clear this all up" I said and the boys all cheered in response.

Then we diapparated to The Ministry Of Magic.

The ministry has changed a lot in 12 years.

Currently me, James, Peter and Sirius are under disillusionment charm.Because it would be weird seeing three people who were supposed to be dead and their murder can't be just walking into the Ministry of Magic Dumbledore and Remus are walking in front of us. People are giving odd looks to Remus as he is a werewolf. Why are people so prejudiced? But can't blame everyone, as they have passed this prejudice on for generations. It should end though, and I have a feeling that it would be Remus who'll bring a change.

Dumbledore requested to meet the minister for magic and was asked to wait for a while.

"The minister will see you now, please follow me" said a woman. She was fair and pretty with black hair in a stiff bun. We followed her to the lift and from there to the courtroom. Courtroom. This is where we'll prove that Sirius' not guilty. 

With that, we entered the Courtroom in a hope that we'll all be visible when we come out.



So will they come out cleared of all charges or will there be a disagreement between Dumbledore and the Ministry?

65 reads ok, I can't believe it. I know it might not seem like much But TBH I never expected even 1. So thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was my longest chapter yet.

What do you think about this one?

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