Before Hogwarts

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                                                                               Harry's POV

 With a wave of wand I took the memory and placed it in the pensieve. We all went in together.

It was Dudley's birthday, I was making the breakfast and the others were on the dinning table, with Uncle Vernon getting impatient. "They made you cook breakfast when you were like...five is it?!" Dad asked in disbelief. I just nodded.

"Hurry up, Boy!"Uncle Vernon  growled, which made me spill all the tea from the pot I was holding on my hands, which, due to which the pot slipped from my hands, fell down and broke into pieces. Aunt Petunia rushed towards me and shouted"You broke, the teapot from my brand new cup set! In your cupboard, and no meals for you!Is that clear to you?"  

"Are you fucking kidding me, his hands are burned and all you care about is the teapot?" this time it was Remus. They all looked in disbelief. "What does she mean by your cupboard?" Mum asked in a low yet curious voice. 

"um.......Sshe means... She means room" I said. "What?!" This time it was everyone in unison which made me uncomfortable. But it wasn't long before I was pulled in a rib-cracking hug by all of them.

The memory changed to when I am on Dudley's fifth birthday Aunt Marge had came over. Everyone was playing dancing statue when she hit me with her walking stick in the shins (to prevent me from winning from Dudley) "Oi!" Sirius yelled cleary dissaproving her actions. And I was on the verge of tears. But everyone was busy celebrating Dudley's victory to notice me, crying on the floor.

Next memory changed to Christmas where Aunt Marge was giving out presents. She  gave Dudley a bicycle and then turned to me with an evil grin on her face  and handed me a present to which I  looked with a confused expression on my face. I saw Dudley rip open the wrapping , so I did the same. I opened it to find a box of biscuits.

"DOG BUISCUITS?!, She's the one who looks like a bulldog."Remus exclaimed. He was about to say something else but cut off  by a very offended and angry Sirius"Hey! She looks nothing like a dog." Everyone started to laugh.

Later that day I was walking in the hallway and accidentally stepped on Ripper(Aunt Marge's dog) and it started to follow me around the house and in the garden. Everyone started to laugh but the laughter died down when she refused to call him down. She refused to call him down until midnight.

"I don't think I like her much" Ron said with a disgusted look on his face. "She looks evil"Dad said glaring at her "Trust me, she is" I said with a smile, at least we agree on this.

The memory changed again. We were in my cupboard, I am 10 years old. "You still live here?!" Sirius asked looking horrified. "Yes but for a few more months" I said smiling, remembering that my letter would come soon.

"Up! GET UP!" came aunt Petunia's screeching voice. I got up and must've been thinking about the dream in which Hagrid was carrying me in a flying motorbike "Are you up yet?" Aunt Petunia asked from the kitchen. "Nearly" I answered, found my socks and left the room. 

I walked to the kitchen to find Aunt Petunia setting up the pan, "Don't you dare burn them, I want everything perfect for my Dudley's birthday" She said the last part in an unusually high pitched voice which made me gag as soon as she turned her back. Which made everyone laugh. 

After a while everyone was sitting for breakfast while I was making it. "Where's my coffee boy!" Uncle Vernon growled. "He's pretty mean" Mum said. I didn't know what to say so I just gave her a half smile. I ran to serve him bacon and coffee. That was when Dudley came in both aunt and uncle wished him happy birthday. 

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