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Y/n pov

I was on the couch watching youtube on my phone ignoring the skele-boiz fighting over me. "She's mine!" Horror said "No! She's mine!" Killer said "In your dream! She is mine!" Dust said "Shut the hell up. She will obviously choose me! So she's MINE!" Error said, then all of them get tentacle slapped by Nightmare "Shut all of your non-existence ass'. She's Mine. And there's nothing you could do about it!" Nightmare said [Are you sure about that m8] "Y/n-Senpai is Mine!" Cross said.

They were getting louder so i put my headphone on to block the noises. Then they went to who knows where. After a few minutes, i get up to go to my room. On my way to my room, i suddenly felt an arms wrap around me, so i turned around to see Cross "What are you doing?" I asked, he didn't response, instead he hugged my tighter "W-what are you d-doing Cross?!" I asked blushing then he kabe-don me on the wall [Basically you got pinned on the wall]

"C-cross!!" I said, Cross then lean in putting his hand on my cheek "Your skin is so soft and warm" Cross said, he looked at me then at my lips, then he lean even closer to me, and then he kissed me, my whole face instantly exploded with blush "Cross WHAT. THE. FUCK!" Horror suddenly yelled glaring at Cross, Cross then broke the kiss "You didn't see anything~" Cross said to Horror then he teleport to who knows where.

Then Horror went to me "Why did he kissed you?" Horror asked "I don't know why he kissed me either" I said "Well, if Cross get to kiss you then i get to kiss you too!" Horror said "What!? No!! I didn't sign up for this!!" I quickly said "Welp,too bad, i sign up for this UwU" Horror said then he grab me and kissed me, suddenly i was in someone else's arms "Why the heck did you kissed her!?!" I heard Killer said 'God, help meh' i thought and i could feel him death glaring at Horror "Its non of your business you prick" Horror said then he wink at me "God damn it Horror" Killer said while looking at my red face "What?~" Horror said like nothing happened.

Killer then dragged me to another place then looked at me again, "Why" He said "Why.....what?" I said "Never mind" He said then just as he was about to kiss me, we heard someone say "The FUCK are you doing with my Puppet, Killer!" Error yelled then i heard Killer growled and mumbled about how he ruin his moment, then Killer teleported us to another place then he kissed me "You think you can hide Killer?! Im getting my Puppet back!" Error said behind Killer "Just let me have my frickin moment for a sec!!" Killer said then he got wrap in blue strings then got thrown through the window, then Error teleported in front of me "Why did HE kissed you?" Error said with a bitter voice "Idk ( = ^ = ) in fact, almost everyone had kissed me!" I said "Wait-no. Everyone had kissed me including you!" I said blushing.

"Welp, that makes me easier to do what i wanted to do" I heard Error mumbled "Wait wut-" I said but got cut off with Error kissing me [*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* y/n-chan gonna get kissed by all the boizzz today *Cough* *Cough* UwU] 'WHYYYYYY' i thought then blush even harder when i feel his tongue in my mouth then he broke the kiss " °///////° " All of the sudden Error got thrown away "Stay away from Angel! She's Mine" Dust said 'Yandere much?' I thought then i notice we were in a different place again with Dust.

'Oh god please no' i thought again, i notice that Dust is not moving and he's looking down so i tried to escape him but of course the author have to ruin everything [Bruh, Staph breaking da fourth wall] Dust suddenly pinned me on the wall 'I swear im gonna die from blushing too much' i thought Dust then kissed me roughly [Im gonna cry writing this story] he then broke the kiss then looked at me "You're so cute when you're flustered" He said "S-shut up!! -///-" I said then he got thrown away by a tentacle [Tentacle hentai is here UwU. Ok i'll stop] "I told you to stay away from Moonlight! You fucking prick!" Nightmare said 'Lord have mercy' i thought.

"Why did he kissed you Moonlight" Nightmare said "Just get it over with" I said "Wut?" Nightmare asked "Just kiss me already, i give up" I said then i see Nightmare smirk then he kissed me [Bruh] "Moonlight, i have to tell you something, i-i love-" "CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!" Cross suddenly yelled breaking the door with his arms full of chocolate then he grab me and dragged me to who knows where.

"... "


Okeh, so this chapter is done. I just wanted to say thank you for the one who's voting for this story and supporting me, i really appreciate it. Without you this story/book would have been discontinued [Probably].

Shout out to:












Thank you for your supports •w•
Have a good day.

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